newbie, having the same problem with every single grow

Im not new on here but i am new to actually posting and I would like some advice on my plants, I've been growing a little over a year so im not an expert by any means and admittedly am ignorant in some areas but i cant figure out what keeps going on with my plants.

basicallly every time i put my plants into flower, like a substantial amount of leaves yellow, die and then fall off. the bud keeps developing and i have grown all the way through with them doing this at least 4 times now, but they always do it. I have gotten very good bud from my crops but i want it to be way better. all my friends are not having this issue and they dont know why i am. i know its normal to lose some leaves but its annoying that its consistently happening no matter what i do differently, and i feel it has to be causing some quality loss in my crop. I'm growing in soil, and i've tried 3-4 different kinds, I am using the full line of roots organic fertilizer oregonism. I always ph my water to make sure it is within acceptable range, and even when i didnt even ph or check my ph or anything and the water was over 7 it did the same thing. did the same thing if i water at different times, i keep getting THE SAME THING.

any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with roots organic, but leaves usually fall off from a lack of Nitrogen. Try giving your girls more grow formula and less bloom formula.
i had thought that was a possibility but I was under the impression that you shouldnt give them much nitrogen during flowering? i have been giving them some but not much.


Well-Known Member
you answered it in the question when you said "the bud keeps developing" your plant is focused on bud development now not producing foilage.


Well-Known Member
My gf has same issue in soil, bottom line it is Nitrogen, just put in double the size pot during flowering and put some 3 to 4 month old horse crap, that is loaded with nitrogen.
I cannot get pics to upload, what am i doing wrong, i have the file size under 900kb, id like to put a couple pics up.

so will having the extra N not bother it during fowering?


Ursus marijanus
Mg def. of early flower is common. try dosing with added Mg at start of flower.
That, or N, or Mg and N together are the common ones imo. OP, some trial&error is involved. For Mg, a pinch like 1/2 gram per liter) of Epsom is a quick fix. For N, I like to use a shot of ammonium nitrate, 1 gram in a gallon of water. Admittedly I happen to have that on hand. For a store-bought solution, the cal-mag (forget whose ... DynaGrow?) that is calcium plus magnesium nitrates as the actives is a good supplement to whatever feed regimen you're following. cn