Newbie HELP with perlite going green


Hi all, This is my first grow My plants are 16 days old ive just transfered them to bigger pots last week and think i may have over watered them. This morning ive just noticed the on the top of a few pots the perlite has started to go green the soil looks allright but am abit worried i have a problem:wall:

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Just algae, no big deal. You can either just mix it back into the soil, or if you want to avoid it, you could cut a cover out of Mylar and cover the soil. It is just happening because the light is hitting it.


Active Member
perlite holds moisture, algae grows in damp moist places...and it needs light. It happens. Let them dry out pretty good between watering, keep a fan circulating the air and try not to let the humidity get too high. I have had the same issue in the past and it didn't affect anything., increasing circulation helped me the most. Good luck.


Thank for the help was abit worried i had a serious problem, ill keep the fans going see if it help. Was just wondering aswell whens best to start the bigger 600w light there under a red/blue 125w cfl at the momoment but dont think there getting much light coverage is 14days to soon???


Active Member
at two weeks old, if thriving, with some good could move them under the stronger lights....just don't put them too close and watch them for drying out, they will need more water than they have been demanding.

As they get bigger you can move the light closer so they don't stretch for it too hard. You have to play this one by ear. Keep a close eye on them, they will show you if there are any problems.

If you listen hard enough, your plants will communicate with learn "when the one in the back right corner starts to droop, it's time to water everyone" etc. you learn to read them if you spend enough time with them. That's one of the reasons I think first time growers get lucky a lot........they spend countless hours doing research being with their plants.

At two weeks with roots, you can also start some very light (diluted) ferts...that may get them going :-) Each strain is different. My Afghooey has nice roots in 4 days, my Sour D takes 5-6 days. Just make sure you have some decent roots before moving under strong lights or least 2 weeks old.