Newbie Help


Active Member
Ok, haven't had just loads of time to read all that is here many weeks after emergence before you can do the 12/12 for sexing? :confused:


New Member
Some people flower at 3 weeks. It is a personal choice but I don't flower until at least 2 months usually three if indoors :)


Well-Known Member
if you just want to know the sex i have done them as soon as i get a couple leaves showing.


Well-Known Member
just over two weeks, but i have a small grow area
I flowered mine after 3 weeks because I too have a small space and my light is big so it takes up about 2 feet of space. lol. anyways. my plants were approx 10-15 inches when i started flowering!

if you do a little math. not sure how large your space is height wise.... but example:

if you have 4ft of height and your lights take up 1ft of the space, then i would flower when your plants are approx 1ft tall because they double or tripple in size so they could be somewhere between 2-3 feet.