newbie here.. help needed.. should i start flowering?


Well-Known Member
Next time start training them when they are young. :) You'll be amazed how much they can heal themselves though. If there is still something holding it on, tape it up and it will heal, usually.


Well-Known Member
Never go from the bottom, that's were the plant hardnes. First, take that top node, and ull her down, ur plants look ripe for it, and greenwife, if that is ur bud in ur avatar pic, u know a thing about growing as well!


Next time start training them when they are young. :) You'll be amazed how much they can heal themselves though. If there is still something holding it on, tape it up and it will heal, usually.
i will.. this is my first grow.. i didn`t have any idea i could do these things


Active Member
its good to run into problems on your first grow thats what makes you a better grower!!
good luck you will learn alot by the time you finish keep reading other forums and take any advice you can get!!


Well-Known Member
Like wife said, u will always run into issuses the first time, or 2, 3rd, lol, untill u find out what works for u. Every grower is diffrent, click on the link in my signuature, I have a few pics of an lst I started, ill upload some pics here. When I get home, if u start soon enough, u can lay her flat down, this helps the bottom get more light, so u get more bud, lst is the only way to go if ur limited on space, just do a search of LST, some. Good threads on here to take u step by step


can you please tell me how much water should i give them?
i watered them once a week and fed them 1 ml bio bizz grow / L of water two weeks and then the lower leaves started to turn yellow.. nitrogen def, right?
i gave them too little water? i think i gave them each around 1.5 L of water until it came out from the bottom of the pot.


Well-Known Member
Wish I could help u out herex, I don't. Grow in soil, but it could be cal/mag shortage, when u use RO or distilled water, the cal/mag is also removed, but I don't know, a pic is worth a 1000 words though


Active Member
depends on your soil you use and size of your pot one way to tell is if you stick your finger in the soil an inch or 2 if its dry its ready to water i use a gallon of water in mine which is in a 4 gallon bucket with miracle grow potting mix mixed half and half with black earth top soil every 5 days on average!!
its hard to say if its nitrogen def do you have any pics of the yellowing leaves it could be a number of things causing it, first thing you should do is test your water run off out the bottom of your pot for pH!! im not sure about your nutes i never used them before but im sure someone has used them that can help you out!!


i have 3 gallons pots and the soil is bio bizz all mix: " It contains an effective blend of soil (20%), compost (35%), worm castings (10%) and Perlite (30%) as well as a special 'pre-mix' (5%) of biologically active organic ingredients that have been fermented for a month to create a potent mixture"


Well-Known Member
I don't know, some yellowing is normal, but I can't tell. For sure, but ur lst looks pretty good, now whe the top starts to grow back up, tie her down some more, I would tie down up until the 5th week of flowering, if ur that limited on. Space


Active Member
i tested the ph with a test kit and it looked ok ..though i think the green was a little light
Well it could be Nitrogen deficiency. (first picture on this page looks alike

But maybe if you said the pH drops looked light green could be good or bad, thats what i use as well and its hard to tell if your nutes is colored especially trying to keep it around 6.5 to 6.9 digital pH tester would be nice for second opinion! my soil was mad acidic and she made it through a good 2 months i flushed a couple times before then realised and learned that it was way low like 5.0ish then i added some crushed pulverized limestone to bring the pH up with 4 tablespoons 3 separate waterings.
Saying all that what im trying to say was my leaves used to yellow and some die off daily, until now that i used the lime the yellowing almost stopped completely!

Forgot to mention in that link above theres lots of other problems like pH there with pictures to compare to help you along!!
Hope this helps!


yes it helps thank you very much.
yellowing stopped when i fed them so must have been a deficiency. a digital pH tester is kinda expensive.. i already invested allot of money. everything is expensive here :))
my girls look good today :D they all raised their heads, even the one with the broken stem.
i`ll post some pictures as soon as i can.. it doesn't work right now i don`t know what`s wrong with my browser


Active Member
They are looking awesome soon your grow box will be full of green tops now in a week or so you should switch to 12/12 when all the side branches start to catch up to the tops you will have alot of buds goin on there!!!
Good Job man!!


Well-Known Member
good job there homie! looking good! make sure u keeping pulling the top down as it grows. here is a LST im doing right now, the tall one is a Jack Herer, a sativa dom, y it is so tall, the other is a G13, a indica, they stay short and bushy, perfect for LSTIMG_5930.jpgIMG_5937.jpgIMG_5932.jpgIMG_5936.jpgIMG_5931.jpgIMG_5934.jpgIMG_5933.jpgIMG_5929.jpgIMG_5935.jpgi did this in the dark, so pics not as good, let me know if u need better ones