Newbie here...looking for a lil help....i think lol First grow CFL


Well-Known Member
hey! i think im just gonna let it grow and see what happens... i probably stressed the shit outta them, moving em around so much...oops. lol...once again over zealous and started before i had the cab set up.. worst case scenario... i have too start over again...and its fun, so no I have my fingers crossed tho, hoping to get a lil something from these 2!!!!


Well-Known Member
about the fan leaves...i read in the growers bible it is not that good to do because the fan leaves absorb most of the light that helps the bud...does this mean its more important to get light to the fan leaves or to the bud, i've been tucking the fan leaves into the plant a bit as to get light to both of them, but this was a question i've had for a while?


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know the fan leaves play an important role, but i dont really have a choice since theyre getting burnt to a crisp on the lights. Im just clipping those and leaving the healthy ones...
Im sure wolfman will have an answer if he stops by today... ;)

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Every part of the plant is important.. but it doesn't mean you can't tinker with it to get what you want out your plant...

For example.... I clipped ALL my fan leaves a long time ago..
The plant needed those fan leaves.. so it reacted by making more and bigger side branches... just what I wanted ;-)

I wouldn't do anything that drastic in flowering though... but taking one or 2 fan leaves now is not that big of a deal... especially if they are in the way of bud growth... or blocking too much light from buds.

Just clip the ones that are giving you trouble... or getting them selfs in trouble by getting to close to the light

With that said... can you tie the branch down a bit to keep them away from the light (LST)?

Now I have never read "the Growers bible" so I can't comment on that.. but I can tell you that my plants have none of their original fan leaves and they are doing great.. In flowering I try to keep as much as the leaves I have since I look at them as though they were batteries... storing energy for the buds... So only take the ones that give you no other alternative...

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't be too worried if everything else seems to be good, and it does. you will see a lot of colors before its done not all of them mean something.


Well-Known Member
:wall: thinking i skipped a part...

When I switched over to 12/12 2 weeks ago, I've only used the Flora Nova Bloom, and a small amount of Kool Bloom too. But I haven't given it any of the FloraNova Veg that wrong????

Am I still supposed to be giving it "some" of the veg food?????

Ive looked to try to find the answer first, but no luck..... Any help is appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey do i +rep u???? I appreciate all ur help, so once i figure how to do it....i will ;)

The blackness seems to grow out as the plant does...but hey im sure ive smoked some suspect shit in the past!!!!! So...if its not a disease, im growing it through til the end and smoking it!!!!! :bigjoint:

I'll see if i can get some more pics tonight.... and i see these people using "nutrient soups" which is why i got worried i was doing something wrong... so they'll be fine with just the bloom, and some kool bloom before i flush the 2 weeks before harvest?? (look at me getting ahead of myself

Wolf seriously...thank you for all ur help!!!

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
look at the top right hand corner of this post... above my join date is a scale... click on it.. and wait for the prompt..

and you are welcome... i try to help out as much people as I can... I'm doing my part in freeing the weed. Putting the control of cannabis in the hands of people that need it, and away from the dealers.. who could care less were it goes and why.

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker



Well-Known Member
Wow... not with this pic right... things don't look as bad... in fact it looks quite nice =]

After seeing this pic I'm leaning more to it being strain related... and it looks pretty cool =]

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker
I agree, i think it looks pretty cool. El nino looks crazy like that too. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint: thats what i was hoping for!!!! It was lloking more purple than black, and i was hoping it was strain related!!! Time will tell for sure!!
thanks guys!
Also, has anyone tried Snow White?? I have 2 fem seeds that i'm going to be using for my next grow, curious if ayone has experience with em?

Also, looking ahead, my cabinet isnt very big....but my goal for next time is to try to grow 2 plants, as big as possible in the cabinet, this way i can go for a bigger yield and hopefully be able to ease up on growing for a few months....Like i said its only personal use, but I smoke about a 1/4 oz a week, so i guess topping & lst is prob the way I'll wanna go next time???
What ya think?
Thanks rock!!! :-P


Well-Known Member
Alright.. got rid of the little plant b/c it was looking pretty suspect to me. Plus it took a beating when I dropped the lights on it (twice-:wall:)
So here's a couple new pics, suggestions always welcomed!! ;)