Newbie here, pretty sure things are going well but figured I am best to double check!


Active Member
Today is day 12 of veg for my babies. They are under a 600w HID with humidifier in tent keeping humidity around 50%. Temp is set on my Inkbird to sit at 77f and during night cycles the heater only turns on if the temp drops below room temp of 71. The gals have been getting slowly introduced to the attached nutrient schedule . I have them in Mother Earth Coco Pearlite. Ph'ing the water to a 5.5-6.0.

I have completed 1 grow outdoors successfully, but I am very low income and I was not able to feed the gals proper nutrients but loved the experience. Few weeks go by and visiting an old roommate, he had an extra 4x2 tent, ballast for HID, Veg and Flower Lights, 3 gallon pots. Pretty much everything I needed to get off to the races so we went to the local shop to pick genetics. I had read that Cherry Gar See Ya by Ethos genetics has a nice indica effect so the decision was made when they had that strain in stock.

Just wanted to make sure everything is looking good and I'm on the right track as when germinating these seeds, I had two pop out taproots and then one dampened off. I hurried to get another to germ within same cycle and it popped the next day. Well that next day was when the second seed dampened off and I had a single seed left in the propagator and two seeds left in bank. I took two days to relax and sterilize environment with hydrogen peroxide.

Cut to now. The last two seeds took root and are on day 11 of veg atm. Their color seems healthy to me and the new growth looks decent too. Just wondering what the verdict is. They are still in wet soil from last nights feed so skilling a feed tonight before introducing 100% nutrient solution tomorrow when lights come on.

Any advice would be appreciated! They are nearing 6" and I'm prepping a trellis for when they hit 8", making sure light is min 15" away from new growth.



Active Member
only thing I've noticed so far is the leaf tips pointing downward but that could be genetic from initial research?


Well-Known Member
Tips point down on the lowers when the plant is still young. They will begin praying when the roots are more established. Plant looks good. I wouldn't go %100 feed right off the bat. You are not showing any deficiency. Start with 1/4 strength and work your way up as the plant matures


Well-Known Member
@TechGuru07. They look healthy. You are off to a good start.

One thing that comes to mind since they're in coco...

As they grow, they will eventually need multiple feedings per day. Coco behaves kind of like soil but dries out more quickly.

They will be especially hungry/thirsty from the flip to 12/12 light cycle and for the next 4 to 6 weeks after that.

Will you have them on an automated watering system, or you'll be able to water by hand multiple times per day every day for the next few months?

If you don't already have that configured, I'd use a 5gal bucket or tote as a reservoir placed outside the tent with a pump on a timer. Run the feed tubes into the tent through one of the ports. Keep the reservoir outside the tent, so it maintains a more stable, cooler temp.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
You'll have to devise a way to catch the runoff. Make it in such a way that you can get eid of the runoff without having to move the plants around too much.


Active Member
Cannabiscrusader - I have been feeding them 1 gallon 25% then 1 gallon 50% and this was the last of the 1gal 75%, giving them a day off today as it was a bit more water than usual yesterday. So I did start at 25 and have been working up from there, cheers thanks! (Still good to double check)

MickFoster - Thank you. it has been 11 days since third node and 11/29 was the pop date for these seeds. Transplanted on 12/06 into 3 gal coco perlite. Ty Cheers!

Tracker - I have them on green saucers that will catch the water but as I am approaching the 8" height I plan on trellising and HST at, you are very right. I may need to bring in the shop vac. I am disabled so I will be able to tend to these ladies for watering multiple times per day until I can save up enough to get a feeding reservoir worked out down the road as that's an awesome idea to consider for long term! (Just need my state to conclude the disability process some year)

Thank you all for your very helpful input. Many great points I have not necessarily thought out! (especially needing to remove the run off after they have been trellised)