newbie here!


Active Member
so i built a 4x4x7 closet n split it to 2x4x7. What would be the amount of lighting to use.. for veging i was thinkin about using 4 t5 tubes, or some CFLS, if i use cfls i was gonna use about 8. (cfls to keep bill down ). for flowering i plan on using a 250-400 HPS :eyesmoke: Far as venting goes im not sure on what size fan to use im sure the side of flowering will get pretty warm so it will have to be decent size. Also i was thinkin about puting my fans on a thermostate where if the temp gets to warm it kicks my fans on auto..

Well hope some you can help me out :)... :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie:peace::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
so i built a 4x4x7 closet n split it to 2x4x7. What would be the amount of lighting to use.. for veging i was thinkin about using 4 t5 tubes, or some CFLS, if i use cfls i was gonna use about 8. (cfls to keep bill down ). for flowering i plan on using a 250-400 HPS :eyesmoke: Far as venting goes im not sure on what size fan to use im sure the side of flowering will get pretty warm so it will have to be decent size. Also i was thinkin about puting my fans on a thermostate where if the temp gets to warm it kicks my fans on auto..

Well hope some you can help me out :)... :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie:peace::eyesmoke:

Sounds like for the space the amount of CFL's you are looking at getting should be plenty. A 250-400 watt HPS should produce plenty of light for the 2-3 plants you will be able to fit in your space for flowering. As far as exaust goes a fan with 150-200 cfm should work great. I suggest using an air cooled hood(NOT a cooltube!) for your HPS it will drastically cut down on the heat in your grow area. Just make sure when you are hooking your fan you have your air flow blowing thought the reflector not pulling the air. You can do it the other way but the heat can cause premature failure of your fan. Hope this helps and welcome to the wonderful world of ganja growing!


Active Member
There's a lot of options you can choose from, especially with a small set-up like this. It sounds like you've got the idea of what to do, you just need some suggestions. For the vegging chamber, whatever lighting option you go with, remember to make sure you are able to raise and lower the lights or raise and lower the plants. CFL and t5s are good lights for vegging, but they only reach so far. As long as you plan around that, you're sure to do well.
Now, with the flowering, if you're space is 2x4x7, I would go with at least a 400 watt HPS light. Depending on your reflector, you can light between a 3x3 to a 4x4 space. I wouldn't count too much on the latter, as the light isn't as intense as it spreads out more. I, personally, am gonna be going with a 600 watt HPS for a 2x4x5 grow tent. As for ventilation, you'll want a fan that moves enough air out of your room to keep temps down (and filter the air properly, if that's what you're going for too). Imo, you should be able to get away with a fan rated at 240cfm or more. Hope this helps any. Good luck and happy growing!


Active Member
Thanks for the reply guys.. I plan on hooking the lights to a chain or sm pully system so i can raise and lowers. Thanks for letting me know on that air cooled i been debate on to get an air cooled or tube. And i think i might upgrade my flowering to the 600w instead

how should it be setup for air coming in? was gonna put a few vents on under neither since its built up on a pallet.


Active Member
Vents will work to an extent. But you should have a fan drawing air into the grow room to help circulation. If you have a fan for air circulation in the room, this would help as it would create a negative pressure inside the room, helping to keep odors down, as well as temps. I believe this is called a passive intake. Not too sure, but I think. I'm myself learning about the 2 types of intakes, so don't quote me on anything. Lol. I will try to find the link I was learning from. It might help you better than me. Lol.

P.s. Here's one of them. Not the main one though. Just an explanation of passive vs active. Still looking for that other one. Too many bookmarks to sort through.


Active Member
I will throw a small fan inthere to circulate the air around, just thought that if u have air suckin out the top put a suction in the grow area wich would draw fresh are in from the bottom, and to have my fan circulating the air around ..

lmao that might not make any since atm.. just smoked...

also seems like a 240cfm would maybe be to much..?? just for that little area. but then again to run a 600w i may need it..


Active Member
I am really leaning more toward a organic grow as well, and making up my own soil compounds.. i am still learning all the organic stuff.. any help there be highly appreciated.


Active Member
so i am going to run t5s for veg and hps600w for flowering. i plan on makin my own carbon filter this weekend. i would like to order all my lights tommaroe. then wait for my caregiver hook me up with fruity pebal , bubba kush clones in the nxt week. one more thing i might tke the split out n mke it 4x4 instead of 2x4x7. n lookin to maybe scrog growing


Well-Known Member
dude, use led's and keep the electricity bill down. I used to used hid lighting and it broke the bank when the bill came.


Active Member
and what kind of setup do you have sir??? pics?

leds are way expensive n seems like u would have to have 10000 of them lil bastards