Newbie in Vermont indoor and out NEEDS HELP +++rep


Active Member
Hey Everyone reading this, Im a first time grower in VT ive posted a few other threads im cureently vegging a bunch of bagseeds that i started in march, they are not doing so well in my closet lately they r getting to tall for my 4' HomeD t5 fixture running agrosun FS and side cfls (Day and a little cool) ive been using too light them with and im trying to get them outdoors as quick as possible they r also still in solo cups and i need to water them literally every day. Plus i just started to germ 2 Blue Cheese, 2 lsds, and one Flower Power today. my only problem is soil i cant find a decent a decent soil mix around here other than foxfarm ive been thinking about using the revs perfect organic mix or subs supersoil. right now for materials i have a bag of happy frog, a bunch of vermic, FF POM starter mix, some local organic seed starter mix called nutripeat, a half bale of canadian peat moss, some jiffy deydrated manure, some jiffy organic compost, a little bit of worm castings maybe 5 lbs and some perelite left but i need more, and a bottle of grow big which i have been using to veg my bagseeds with and just found out it wasnt 100% organic which kind of pisses me off because i dont wanna kill my mycros do i? i need more things if im going to make this grow work. the bagseeds are pretty much my testers i plan on getting a 400w hps+mh from htg soon, and i also plan on growing the barneys seeds in 5 to 10 gallon buckets since i have plenty of 5's and if it gets too cold up here at the end maybe i can finish them in my closet since its kind of late for germing. i also have a bunch of soil ive mixed but i didnt use exact proportions and im kinda nervice about using it, idk maybe i should throw some earthworms in it and see if they live. So pretty much im asking if anyone around my area knows of a good base soil in my area? or should i drive a few hrs too pick up some roots organic? what are some other amendments i could use? my base soil is made up of these amendments with some cheap potting soil i got from dollar general but it contains only the basics, no synth ferts or anything. what else does it need? Thanks everyone for reading and i will give rep for any good relevant input thanks guys. This is so much appreciated:peace:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have things planned through better than most first time growers. You don't have to be so worried about the soil. If you can get a pH test and see if the pH is balanced that would be a good idea. Overall I think you're pretty well set up.

10gal buckets are plenty big, 5 is fine but your plants won't end up quite as big. I usually put my plants right in the ground. With strains that have a long flowering time I use pots because I move them back inside to finish. The short growing season and chance of cold nights in september means those girls need to come inside to finish.
I'm in VT also, I'll be moving this years crop outside next week.