Newbie "is this seed bank for real "???


Misguided Angel
Going cheap isn't always the best idea. As is true with most things, you get what you pay for. Only order seeds from reputable seed companies.


bud bootlegger
i think i remember reading others on this site saying that they have ordered from this site, but thats about all that i can recall about them.. i don't think i ever read whether or not they got their beans and if so, how they grew...
but im with everyone else, sometimes cheap is just cheap, and not necasarily good.. im not saying that you need to spend $2000 like i have seen from bscceds, but sometimes good genetics cost good money.. i would hate to waste my money and time and effort on something that only is going to disappoint me in the end.. there are plenty of good banks out there and bargains to be found, just not sure about the site you listed..


Well-Known Member
Cheers everyone i think will give this a miss then and go with attitude good freebies this one i think is a scam !!