Newbie needing help!


Hey guys and gals! First I'd like to say thanks for all the help I've received from reading over all the posts. Well here's the deal, this is my very first attempt at growing and need all the help I can get! So far I have a 4'x2'x5' grow tent, 300w of assorted CFL's with drop cords and splitters, 4- 2 gallon pots, Coco coir with hydro rock mixed, Fox Farm trio pack, 4"x12" carbon filter.

I have a few questions about lights and ventilation. I have a few questions starting with ventilation. I'm obviously going to need a 4" inline exhaust but not sure about the CFM ill need to adequately ventilate the small tent. Also will I need forced air coming in? Ill be running a small 5" fan inside just to help circulate the air.

Now the light questions. I originally purchased the CFL's planning on growing in a closet so I figured this was best to avoid exhaust and heat issues. Well now that I went with a tent I'm definitely doing exhaust so the heat hopefully won't hurt too much. For what I've read I believe the CFL'S will be okay as far a heat but will they produce a sufficient amount of light? If not any suggestions would be great! Keep in mind I'm trying to do a affordable grow.

I planned on putting the tent in a well secured shed with concrete floors but I'm afraid I won't be able to control the heat inside the tent due to how hot it gets where I'm located.

Even though its my first grow I'm pretty confident when it comes to maintaining proper PH(5.5-5.8) due to dealing with water on a daily basis with my job but no advice/help will be turned away. Also I'm using feminized Northern Lights seeds. Thanks in advance! bongsmilie


Active Member
You wont need an intake for CFLs and a small tent as you will most likely be opening and closing the door of the tent pretty regularly giving it fresh air. The heat wont be a problem at all especially with the outtake. And for four plants you are going to want to have at least 300 actual wattage of cfls when its in full bloom.


First, thanks for the super quick response! I have 300 watts actually CFL power now. Should I use the 300 from seedling up until harvest? I'm aiming to keep the plants short (if Mother Nature allows it). Would I be able to squeeze 6 plants or is that pushing it considering the small amount of space I have?


Active Member
I would stick to 2-3 plants for your size, and you will know why when you are in the 8th week of flowering, but if you are keeping them short you could easily fit 4. I wouldn't put any more then that or you are just waisting seeds. When they are first starting, I give each sprout 50 actual watts. 25 6500k and 25 2700k. I switch to a metal halide when they get to about 5 nodes, but you can just add CFLs as it gets bigger. Have some fun with it thats what growing is all about :weed:


Sounds good! I'm going to push my luck with the 4 haha. The seeds were given to me so I won't be at too much of a loss. Again I am new to this so forgive me but how long would it be until I switch to the MH? Also, do you have any recommendations as far as a affordable yet quality exhaust fan? I'm definitely having fun with it so far. Don't get me wrong the higher the yield the better but a of right now it's for the experience. If all goes as planned I'm turning the 10x10 shed into a grow room :)


Well-Known Member
if you go with the 4th i would try to get just a little more light possibly whats an extra 50-100 watts anyway at this point ;P. you would do alot better with a 400w HID lighting system though once you get up to over 300 cfl watts i would think. its just way more lumens per watt and rig up that exhaust system for plenty of fresh air with just a passive intake.

since you already have your CFLs though maybe just add a few more if you push 4 plants. 100w per plant sounds like a good number to me ;). after a grow or two def invest in HID.


Active Member
Hey guys and gals! First I'd like to say thanks for all the help I've received from reading over all the posts. Well here's the deal, this is my very first attempt at growing and need all the help I can get! So far I have a 4'x2'x5' grow tent, 300w of assorted CFL's with drop cords and splitters, 4- 2 gallon pots, Coco coir with hydro rock mixed, Fox Farm trio pack, 4"x12" carbon filter.

I have a few questions about lights and ventilation. I have a few questions starting with ventilation. I'm obviously going to need a 4" inline exhaust but not sure about the CFM ill need to adequately ventilate the small tent. Also will I need forced air coming in? Ill be running a small 5" fan inside just to help circulate the air.

Now the light questions. I originally purchased the CFL's planning on growing in a closet so I figured this was best to avoid exhaust and heat issues. Well now that I went with a tent I'm definitely doing exhaust so the heat hopefully won't hurt too much. For what I've read I believe the CFL'S will be okay as far a heat but will they produce a sufficient amount of light? If not any suggestions would be great! Keep in mind I'm trying to do a affordable grow.
Sure you can! Use high-enough output bulbs and enough of them and you can get decent results....
I wrote a tutorial on CFL growing a while back... you can see it there...

I planned on putting the tent in a well secured shed with concrete floors but I'm afraid I won't be able to control the heat inside the tent due to how hot it gets where I'm located.

Even though its my first grow I'm pretty confident when it comes to maintaining proper PH(5.5-5.8) due to dealing with water on a daily basis with my job but no advice/help will be turned away. Also I'm using feminized Northern Lights seeds. Thanks in advance! bongsmilie
You need a fan for air movement... and an intake because the plants will use-up the CO2 in the air and need it replaced consistently... You don't need to vent for heat- but a passive vent so the inside air pressure stays right is essencial-- or your tent will inflate/collapse

We have had successful CFL grows in the past-- we still use them for vegging young seedlings & for cloning.... We then transfer to HPS- BUT plan to change out to T5's (floro's) in the near future for vegging...


Again, thanks everyone for all the help and insight. I'm taking in all the help I receive. The cfl idea was more of a impulse buy haha. Received the seeds then started researching ways for a cheap grow. I'm definitely planning on starting with the CFL's but when would be a good time to switch to the HPS? Just to catch y'all up I germinated the seeds with a 100% success rate. Used the distilled water in a cup method. This morning I vigorously flushed and rinsed my Coco and took a sample of the run off water (5.8). Filled the pots dropped the beans and then fed them plants with water that I added the fox farm nutrients to (1tbsp per gallon). My question is should I have started the seed off on the nutrients or should I have waited? Have a combined 46w of CFL's one blue one yellow about 2" away from the coco.


Thanks Mrblu! That's what I figured but have seen write ups about gradually working up to full strength so wasn't sure if I already messed up haha.


Well-Known Member
hello why pay that much money when you can go to lowes and get an 8 inch in line for 30 bucks ? i just did works well


Hey Newbiew, what are you referring to? The kit I posted the link to seems like a darn good deal considering all that it comes with. Not sure how great of quality it is but compared to others seems affordable. Could you post pics of what you bought at lowes and how it's being used? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
i have used the 400 watt and i currently have the 1000w apollo kit. they have worked fine for me.