Newbie needs answers


hey guys.literaly started growing 6 weeks ago.i know i should be reading up more but i need urgent info on my plant.yellow tips appering on the leaves.was using mother earth super tea,but stopped as i may have been over feeding with it overwatering/feeding or too much or too little light.using a 250 watt red/blue flourescent.have been giving plant half a wine glass every two below:confused:




thanks for the reply.i take it nute burn is the feed im adding to the water.i have been giving it water on its own for the last three days.What ph should the water be and how often should i water.cheers guys
The water Ph should be about 6.5 and only water when the 1st inch-1 1/2 inch of top soil becomes dry.

Water until some water seeps outta the drainage holes. =]
cool.ends of leaves (on top row) now also turning yellow.hope the flush works.oh ya another thing,is it worth putting my plant into 12/12 to find out if its male or female so early in the vegatative cycle?.......
I veg for at least 4 weeks. I like a bigger yeild as i am sure everyone else does too. I hear some people use the paper bag method to find out the sex of their plant in during veg. You put a paper bag over one of the budding spots for 12 hours of dark and 12 hours of light during regular veg and just that part will show sex. I always buy fem myself though. Never tried the bag trick.
hmmm tempting but as sure as god id mess up the hours.first of all il wait untol the plant pulls through and then chance my arm on the bag trick:blsmoke:
I veg for at least 4 weeks. I like a bigger yield as I am sure everyone else does too. I hear some people use the paper bag method to find out the sex of their plant in during veg. You put a paper bag over one of the budding spots for 12 hours of dark and 12 hours of light during regular veg and just that part will show sex. I always buy fem myself though. Never tried the bag trick.

If you use the bag method then the paper bag has to be almost totally light proof. If you use a heavy black plastic bag for the deed, be careful that you don’t cook the plant in the bag by setting it in direct sunlight.