Newbie Needs Help beautiful cloned XXX OG


New Member
Sup Guys,

New to the forums and need your help.

Ok its my first time growing and I have a female clone of a XXX OG plant.

Please keep in mind all this happened in one day from moving it from inside to outside

I decided to grow outside, but I am having a problem, The plant had been indoors the whole time until yesterday when I put the plant outside.

I came home this morning an the plants leaves are cupping and look kinda of greyish green, Please help I want to correct this before I f'up

Here some info,

Our temp everyday (Im in Cali) its been 80 degrees plus usually 90-95 Deg.

Soil---- I used potting soil, scotts brand and didnt pack it to tightly.
PH----- The PH is at 6.8
Hours of sun-----the plant is getting about 14 hours a day of light
Humidity outside---50-60%
Water- I dont water much the soil is only moist and not wet.

Please let me know whats up I dont wanna mess up and Id rather ask some of you pros.

Its only some leaves all the other leave look great I think.

Pictures are attached I can post more if needed.

Thanks HooKed



New Member
Hey guys, I am thinking could it be the size of the pot or maybe too much water? (even though the medium only feels moist)

Or maybe its just too damn hot?

I forgot to mention I am not giving it any nutrients, should I be at this stage?


Well-Known Member
looks fine to me looks like u got a lil case of spider mites, thats what happened to me when i put mine outside. i dont put them out side no more due to bugs. when introducing nutes use half of what the label says to use say half a tblspoon then as the plant gets older u can up the dosage heres a pic of my plants



Well-Known Member
did u transplant from pot to pot or did u just simply moved the pot from indoors to outdoor?...........:joint:


New Member
I transplanted from a cup to the new pot and put it out site.

I dont see any spider mites, but I need help fast its getting worse

Please guy post so I know what the hell to do I dont want this poor plant to die because of my mistakes.

If there is something I should go buy I will do that.

Is it normal for the plant to do this when it is adjusting? seems like a couple more days and the plant will die, do I need to give it any nutes?


Well-Known Member
wut type of soil did u transplanted into ???? as i was lookin at ur pics i noticed that there isnt perlite also can be too that soil is packed tightly and not enough air is gettin into the roots...or it can be something as simple as transplant shock but then again only time i see'n sighs of shock usually is a droopy plant or stop growth.............:joint:


New Member
The soil is called "SuperSoil" (brand name)

It is a potting mix that says it has plant foods in it.

I just started digging some of it out from the side to see how it is.

The top of the soils is kind of moist/dry but after i dug 2-3" down the soil was wet as in more than moist? could this be the cause?

I was about to goto lowes to buy someshit, like a smaller pot and maybe some lights to grow it inside.

If its just adjusting to a new environment then Im cool with that but I dont want this thing to die.

By the way thanks for your quick reply.



New Member
The bag is a brown color and it has these markings and info on it.



0.01% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.02% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.01% Urea Nitrogen
0.10% Water soluable Nitrogen

Available Phosfate 0.09%
Soluable Potash 0.02%
Iron 0.25%

Derived from Urea, ureaform, monoammonium phosphate, potassium nitrate and ferrous sulfate

MULCH & SOIL COUNCIL Certified Premium potting soil

Supersoil - Products - Supersoil Potting Soil

I really need the help thanks for your replies, do you think the plant is going to die or can I still save it?



Well-Known Member
damn that very odd cuz thats the same soil i use and didnt give me anyproblems at u got n e recent pics so we can get a better look at it and see just howbad and fast ur plant is die'n?????:joint:


New Member
Yes I do here are some new pics, I dug the plant out and I noticed that I had maybe packed it to tightly, so I redid it this time not pressing at all.

I also noticed that the soil is more than moist not soaking wet but in between wet and moist ( too high to explain)

Whats trippin me out is why its changing colors, I mean dont plants usually turn yellow? mine leaves are turning grey/white

Anyways I hope its just somthing small and correctable.




New Member
Damn guys this is some sad shit, I dont know why you stoned foos aint posting, Im looking at this plant die at a very fast rate probably in the next two days this shit is done(dead) think of it as your plant, post and help a fellow smoker out.

Sad to see something die in front of your eyes



New Member
Fuck it I give up asking for help from stoners is like asking for head from a lesbian.

Plant is probably gonna be dead by tomorrow or next day now all the leaves are starting to turn grey.


P.S. thanks for trying


New Member
Here is some more pics of how it looks at this exact moment

Notice the lime green leaves with dark veins, ?

Also look some leaves curled beyond what i think is repairable (should I remove these?)

Hey tech209 I would give you some rep point since your the only one who answered, but I dont know how. I am disappointed in my fellow smokers lack of ability to help another smoker out, shame on you monkeys.:blsmoke::hump:



New Member
checked for mite there is none I think the leaves turning white was from a shock or b MG deprived so I added epsom salt (sprayed on leaves)