Newbie needs help ...


I am definitely a newbie at this and appreciate your help. My question is once a plant starts to bud, how long do you let it bud before you pull it? Anything I need to be looking for that would tell me its finished budding?


Well-Known Member
you bet. the trich's are basicly the thc from the bud it starts out crear then goes to cloudy then to amber. here is a pic. you need a 30x mag glass to see them or a very good camra with a macro setting.
new cfl grow 053-3.jpg


Well-Known Member
This is a good site. But untill you know who your getting info from take it with a grain of salt. There's lots of good folks here that can help. But allso alot of dumb asses that will hurt your grow. good luck.


Well-Known Member
True be aware of the advice dont just focus on trichs though watch the entire plant the hairs will just start to turn into them selfs and the bud will be thivk and juicy but yes be aware of the trichs it is usally from 8 to 14 weeks depending on strain though just to give u a rough idea and i find that once u think its time to harvest wait a few more days i dunno maybe it just me but thats what i do i have always ended up with couch lock stoney weed p.s i have been growing for 5 years so i have some good knowledge if u have any other questions dont hesitate to ask i am more than happy to help:bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Myslef I Don't want the couch lock so I chop a little earlyer then some. As soon as I see the trich's start to turn amber I chop them. aboout 10% I would guess.