newbie needs some advice :(


Hi there, this is my 1st grow and some of my girls are not looking too good. I have been having a few temp problems, so I think it might be heat stress, but I aint no expert. I also just fed them for the 1st time yesterday. They are about 3 weeks old so should I have fed them sooner? Or is there something else wrong with them?? Please help if you can, it is very much appreciated x



Well-Known Member
They really don't need food for the first 2 or 3 weeks, depending on what kind of soil you are using.
The first 2 look OK and the last one looks like she will survive.
You answered your own question about the heat stress I think.
More information: like what you are growing in, temps, nutrients, watering schedule and lights will get you better answers.


Well-Known Member
Repot them in a good soil. Water with plain water a couple weeks, then work in nutes slowly. Add all the light you can, I bet they spring to life.


I am growing in john innes compost. Nothing fancy. They are under a 400 watt hps bulb and the temps been sitting about 32 for the last week or so. I have added extra fans and ventilation and finally got it down to about 27. I don't really have a watering schedule, I just water them when I think they need it. Lights are on 22/2. Hope this helps guys. Ur advice is very much appreciated x


Well-Known Member
if you struggle that much with high temperatures (and 32C is a bit to high) why Run so many hours of Veg. ?
give em some more rest/night time (don't seems like 22 hrs of light make em grow fast anyway) and maybe run it at night time and make day time when temps is the highest the night hrs for the plant (I run my 600W HPS from 6 in the evening to 6 in the morning when I flower and it made my temps drop a few + the fact that Im home most of the time to keep a eye on em)

if temperatures still is a problem or get a problem agin once its summer (mine did) invest in a cool tube or hood for that 400W (even a DIY glass tube from a oil lamp can be used) will help lower the tepms even more, my 600W with no cool hood running a day time at summer made my temps hit 30-34C once I switch to night I got down around 30C and with the cool hood on I got it down to 24-26C

many things you can do to correct temps to your liking, a pice of Ducting from a window to your intake can also help and also provide some fresh air/co2

and no water schedule needed really, just get a feeling for it, once the pots feel really light to lift its time for watering, it also deepens on your pot size and plant size and at what stages the plants is in aso.

but I agree, beside some heat stress its also look like overwatering and it actually make sense, if you run 32C your water will evaporate faster from your pots so you will have to water more often


I did have the light on 18/6 for a start but I suppose my biggest problem is that my boyfriend who has grown once before, keeps telling me am doing it all wrong. Am gettin pretty annoyed at him. He wants the lights on 24 hours a day, n says am interfering with them too much. He says I should check them twice a day n water them once a day and it has to be at the same time every day!! Am gonna swing for him shortly!!

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
If this is your grow tell him to butt out. How are you going to learn otherwise? Gl w/ the project, its a fun hobby!


Well-Known Member
yea tell him to butt out, specially since it don't sounds like he did his home work, sorry no offend, but watering every day, really it all depend, pot size, temperatures, plant size, and the speed of grow that is inflected by many things like the strength of the light and how healthy your plant is aso.

keep it simple, use some logic and common sense, its a plant, and have done this by its own in Mother nature for ten thousand of years, all we try to do, as we for some reason or another cant grow outdoors, is to copy nature inside so to speak, to its optimal conditions, it will need wind/air/co2 it will need light, strong light in the right colors, and a grow medium that fit weed (6-7 PH in soil 5,8-6,2 in soilless mediums) and the right "food" at the right times (as we are in pots or hydro we have to provide it) do some research and keep asking questions.

best of luck


Active Member
When the edges curl up like that it is a definite sign of heat stress.

I would also back off the watering a bit. You can water everyday but you will have to reduce the amount you give them so that they dry out in between. I typically give a plant that size a half pint of water every other day in a climate of 40% relative humdity for comparison.


Well-Known Member
They are under a 400 watt hps bulb and the temps been sitting about 32 for the last week or so
Heat and light stress, you didnt need to be Einstien to work that out. Get them back under a cfl in a much cooler room and they will recover in a few days. If you leave them in that furnace i doubt they will recover and will be stunted for weeks.


Thanks guys for all ur advice. It means a lot to know ur all there t help :-). Will keep u posted on how it's going. No doubt there'll be loads more questions to come


Well-Known Member
You know, if you read around before you started growing you'd probably have a lot less questions to ask. It's not like we're doing quantum physics, it's a damn plant. It's not that hard to grow.


Well-Known Member

for the more lazy type of people, tho I for sure doubt there are any lazy smokers :blsmoke:


I did actually research it for months before I started. Biggest problem is every site has conflicting views and you can't tell which one to listen to. And excuse me, but I thought the purpose of these forums was so that people could ask questions!

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Fed them too early, and definite heat stress... extreme growth is stunted.
Poor development for 3 weeks age.