Newbie "outdoor" farmer! This is my plant..Yellow leaves at the bottom..

Hello farmers@rollitup!
This is the first time I'm posting about my own plant and I'm really excited!

I hail from sunny Greece and I have the plant at the back balkony where it gets more time under the sun during the day and the afternoon. The front balkony gets sun in the morning.

Some info about what's been going on with it: I had planted 3 seeds in a little transparent cup like one and half (or maybe two months, I don't remember exactly) ago. All of them sprouted but not at the same time. The first two, one of which is the plant you're gonna see in the picture, where too close to each other.

A member of my family who has knowledge about flowers etc. transplanted them like one month ago in a bigger sized pot (but not too big).

Couple of days ago I cut the smaller of those two because their bodies(stems?, main branches) where like 1 to 1.5 cm close to each other and in the long run I thought it would cause serious problems to each other, mainly because I thought their roots would tangle.

Yesterday I bought commercial soil(not too fancy or premium) and a bigger pot to allow it to grow bigger and stronger.

Below are some pictures of the plant itself, the soil and the new empty pot I want to transplant it next:

1) Overview :
2) Left-hand shots of the problem with the leaves and lower part:
3) Right-hand shot of the problem with the leaves and lower part:
4) Soil ingredients:

About the soil because it's in Greek:
top square:
peat humus: 50% (googled that one don't know what it means)
blonde peat: 35% (googled also)
arbutus soil: 10% (did not know this one as well I had to look it up)
perlite: 5% (This one i knew =D)

Nitrogen: 12%
Phosphorus: 12%
Potassium: 17%

Fe, Zn, Gu, Mn, Na, B

As you can see some leaves have turned yellow and withered. I've had this, on some leaves since after the first 3/4 weeks of them sprouting(on both of the two big ones). I've asked some people about this and told me that may happen because I watered it during the day (when the sun is hot) and that sun+water "burns" the plant.

I realized( a couple of days ago), I should be looking more after my plant myself and not rely on others. Hence, I bought the soil to help it a little bit. Yesterday I removed some of the old soil from around it and added some of the new, covering it much closer to the yellow, withered bottom leaves(meaning I've raised the soil "level" in relation to the plant). I hope this helps.

Now, what I'm looking forward is to transplant it to the bigger pot, because I want it to become BIG :D.

So I have a couple of questions:
1) Will that stress the plant too much, considering that it has already been transplanted? (on the other hand it was very young when the transplant happened)

2) What causes the yellow leaves and also the white spots you see on one leaf at the right hand shot?

3) Is the soil any good?

4) Up until now I only have been feeding it water and sun. Shall I consider anything else? (like fertilizer or something)

5) What time of the day shall I water?

6) What else do you suggest?

Please share some insight to a newbie farmer.

I will update as frequently as possible!

Thank you all in advance!

p.s from the first picture you can see that it is looking good, not really healthy, but good. It has grown despite my negligence at the beginning. Yellow leaves and those white spots, is the only problem I currently have.

josh b

Well-Known Member
Water when the top of the soil is getting dry, once a day in the evening with about half a pint of water.

Compost bought from shops is fine & they looking good. Also you do not need fertalisers yet for another few months as the fresh compost hold enough feed for about 4 weeks.

You will need to repot into somethink atleast 20ltr if you want a big yeilder. Get em into the final pot by the end of july ready for flowering as they can double up in size.
The yellowing is just a lil bit of nute burn from rich compost and the white spots is were a few bugs have had a nip but nothink to worry about..

Gl growing...