Newbie plant problem, please help!


Hi there, I'm a month/6 weeks into my first grow and my leaves have developed some strange problems?
I'm growing white diesel hate auto feminized from seed.

I'm using jungle juice a&b as recommended in 10L pots with coco soil and cal-mag.

Any suggestions and help/ solutions and pointers would be fantastic as I'm completely clueless at whats happening here and don't want to lose this crop...

Thankyou guys!


A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
Hi there :) I've been adding cal-mag? The bottle says 1ml per litre? It doesn't seem a lot? Should I ass more? Less? Thank you.
How long U been addn it? How frequently? Cal-Mag. addition takes a while show up. Your stems are purple, genetic or did they start green?


How long U been addn it? Cal-Mag. addition takes a while show up. Your stems are purple genetic or did they start green?
I've just been adding 1ml per litre everytime I've watered. I've always thought it didn't seem enough.

I'm not sure about the stems, I have older pics in here so I'll take a look.

How much should I add? How often? Will the problem resolve itself or are the leaves damaged now? Thank you.

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
Hi there :) I've been adding cal-mag? The bottle says 1ml per litre? It doesn't seem a lot? Should I ass more? Less? Thank you.
Can't say if it's light or not, prob. not. Got a ppm pen? Check the PPM of your Cal Mag addition and add it seperatly between watering

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
I only have a pH pen. :/ bit lost and confused lol. How much do you add and how often? Lol
I can't say. I do not know the concentration of your product. The ppm pen would tell how much you are adding. Get a ppm pen. The cheapest Chinese pen has lasted me 9 or 10 yrs.+ batteries. I'd suggest a light folliar spray, but you don't know what concentrate you are spraying. Make up a weak solution and spray a few, not so bad leaves, for a quick check ( if U get the mix right). If you are asking how much I add ? I use Jungle juice that contains enough Cal Mag so a deficiency will be strain specific. Like 1 out of 7 or so strains I've grown ( I remember 8 Ball Kush needing attention).I would lightly water with 200 PPM Epsom salt (very soluble) tween feedings, it worked for that plant.
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I can't say. I do not know the concentration of your product. The ppm pen would tell how much you are adding. Get a ppm pen. The cheapest Chinese pen has lasted me 9 or 10 yrs.+ batteries.
Ok. What about in the mean time while I'm waiting for the pen? Should I give them some cal mag? I have this product

It says how much to use and I've followed the instructions so I'm confused now if I should add more or? By the time I get the pen things will be a lot worse.

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
Do the foliar spray and keep your fingers crossed. Suggestions for noobs. Start with photos. or auto seeds marked easy or beginner, Test your soils drainage b4 inserting beans,( good drainage a must) Get a good 2 or 3 part complete newt mix formulated for MJ. Use good water( I use rain). Good luck.