newbie question about flowering


Active Member
hello everyone. Im new here and new to growing as this is my first time. Anyways im a little nervous about my babies. I have 4 Sour Diesel, 4 GDP, and 2 hybrids of blue dream, all growing outdoors. My concern is how can i tell if they are flowering to soon? I just planted them about two weeks ago in 10 gallon smart pots using fox farm fertilizer and some root accelerator. So i guess my question is how can i tell if they are healthy plants or if they are flowering too soon.

here are some pics if that helps.

btw the other 4 missing were planted after these but im not worried about those ones as of yet.



Well-Known Member
They look fine and like they are about to go into beast veg mode. You should see some great growth in the next couple of weeks. :)


Active Member
ok cool. Im just hoping for about 3-4 pounds off these plants? is there a way to make them produce more buds?


Well-Known Member
10 plants that are this size now are going to have a tough time getting big enough to get that weight. I am thinking expect half that and hope for more. :)


Active Member
damn that sucks. i guess i got a late start this season huh.. well im not trippin, this is more of a trial run for next year.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you got a little late start but still should still be alright. It's possible that you will have a couple of beast plants that can help you get there but I would be shooting for 2 lbs being realistic. :)


Well-Known Member
They look good, keep an eye out for males too, looks like u got em in a good spot just try and make sure they r gettin enuf light to stay in veg, over 12hrs. Also u can look into things like topping, FIM, LST, and super croppin as ways to try and help increase ur yield.


Well-Known Member
Middle to the end of May give or take depending on your location. If they are seeds I would pop them in Jan/Feb and sex them, cuts some clones for your desired females, and get them vegging. If they are clones veg them out till mid-late May and then harden them off outside.


Active Member
Heres a little update. I think my plants are back on the right track and most have grown a foot since i last posted. Ive been watering them everyday and feeding them the age old growth and a root excelerator every other day. Im up to 14 plants since i atleast want 3 pounds out of this season and i 8 or 9 plants wasnt gonna cut it since i started so late. Also i went ahead and put them all in the ground.

Heres some updated pics.20120624_125817.jpg20120624_125015.jpg20120624_125448.jpg 20120623_190619.jpg20120624_125015.jpg


Active Member
Thanks bro. Im hoping they atleast reach 5ft. I think they shouldnt have any problem now that theyre in the ground.

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
yeah our plants are about the same size!...urs are gonna get a decent yeild bro... I only have nine plants and a couple of mines are small, but hopefully ill do fine....good luck on ur grow


Active Member
yeah our plants are about the same size!...urs are gonna get a decent yeild bro... I only have nine plants and a couple of mines are small, but hopefully ill do fine....good luck on ur grow
Good luck on urs too. Do you have any pics of your grow? Also what strands are u growing?


Well-Known Member
They dont start to flower outside until the days become shorter and the nights become longer so you dont need to worry about it until then :)