Newbie question, first grow.


Well-Known Member
So it would be from the Nutes in the FF soil? I haven't added anything to my water yet. Would a flush be needed in this case?
I have seen seedlings do that outdoors during mid day. I figured they were trying to shade/cool themselves since the leaves always flatten back out once they are in the shade. Is your tap water really bad and that's why you are using RO? I ask because most tap water contains essential nutrients like calcium, sulfur, and chlorine, sometimes even some of the other micros like nickel, copper, etc. Of course if you are in Virginia where the tap water is green and flammable I don't blame you for not putting it on your plants :)


Well-Known Member
So I took out the cfls completely, as I figured that was the reason for the "rise" in the leaves. I did transplant into my 3 gallon container. As I was doing, I worked the contained/soil then quickly flipped upside down. All the top soil came crumbling down, exposing all the roots. So I quickly/carefully replanted. Should I be worried about the condition of the roots after this transfer? And also the yellowing leaves, beings it hasn't gotten any worse? Your input in greatly appreciated!!

both pics are from today. 2 days after transplant. I did water for the 1st time today. Using my ro water with a little cal/mag


Well-Known Member
These pictures are from Day 25 after sprout. She has shown new signs of growth for the first time since transplant! This means transplant was successful right? The pics also show the tips of my 2nd set of true leaves, they had turned yellow and now they're browned. But has not spread in days. Input on that matter would be awesome! And also, the 1st set of true leaves had turned completely limegreen/yellowish but now seem to be darkening once again. Input from an experienced grower would be greatly appreciated! It still seems very small for her age. But then again, this is my first grow.



Well-Known Member
Just a little update. The Power flower is doing great. Just switched the light schedule to flower. I haven't done anything to major to her. Just added a little Cal mag and ff big bloom very gently during last week of veg. I plan on hitting the nutes good during first sign of flower, can't wait!

