Newbie question


Active Member
Ok so I have one seedling that I want to play around with. I have 4 26w 6500k daylight CFL each one in a 8" hood clamp. They are placed in a square above the seedling about 2" away. It seems that the soil is getting dry very quickly and the top is dry dry. How much water is good per day for her and what kind of water is best. Also what is the temp supposed to be around her? Mine's at 85 steady. Should I put a desk fan in there too?

I also have like 5 more seedling that I want to start how many more lights would I need? I was think 8 lights total for the tops and 4 for each side. What do you think??


Well-Known Member
dry dirt isnt always a bad thing when the plant gets a little older with much stronger roots you can let the dirt go completely dry to encourage the roots to grow out in search for water and the drying of the dirt also allows oxygen to seep into the dirt and roots. if the plant starts to look sad or droopy please give it water.

as for the desk fan it is a must! please get a fan going to lightly sway your plant air circulation is a very important thing so that fresh co2 enriched air can be obsorbed by your plant constantly. the gentle wind from the fan also helps to bruise the plants stem so it can grow immune to the wind by growing thicker stems.

about the water its best to keep away from tap water since it is purified with chlorine. let tap water sit outisde for at least 24hours so all the chlorine can evaporate. ph balanced water is best too. about the ph balance that is necessary i think it is between 6.5-7.5 some1 please correct me about this 1.

otherwise good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have one seedling that I want to play around with. I have 4 26w 6500k daylight CFL each one in a 8" hood clamp. They are placed in a square above the seedling about 2" away. It seems that the soil is getting dry very quickly and the top is dry dry. How much water is good per day for her and what kind of water is best. Also what is the temp supposed to be around her? Mine's at 85 steady. Should I put a desk fan in there too?

I also have like 5 more seedling that I want to start how many more lights would I need? I was think 8 lights total for the tops and 4 for each side. What do you think??
The lights sound fine, if you decide to go that many plants though, you'll want more lights for flowering, or an HPS light if you can swing it.
If you are needing to water every day, it's time to put her in a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
I'd say that the light is a little too intense for the little ones. 4-5" whould be about perfect since you're using 4 of them," until they get a little bigger, then bring them back down again.

Also...most growers like to keep their water/fert PH around 6.4-6.8. I keep mine at 6.6-6.8, and it works great.


Well-Known Member
dry dirt isnt always a bad thing when the plant gets a little older with much stronger roots you can let the dirt go completely dry to encourage the roots to grow out in search for water and the drying of the dirt also allows oxygen to seep into the dirt and roots. if the plant starts to look sad or droopy please give it water.

as for the desk fan it is a must! please get a fan going to lightly sway your plant air circulation is a very important thing so that fresh co2 enriched air can be obsorbed by your plant constantly. the gentle wind from the fan also helps to bruise the plants stem so it can grow immune to the wind by growing thicker stems.

about the water its best to keep away from tap water since it is purified with chlorine. let tap water sit outisde for at least 24hours so all the chlorine can evaporate. ph balanced water is best too. about the ph balance that is necessary i think it is between 6.5-7.5 some1 please correct me about this 1.

otherwise good luck bro.
The lights sound fine, if you decide to go that many plants though, you'll want more lights for flowering, or an HPS light if you can swing it.
If you are needing to water every day, it's time to put her in a bigger pot.
I'd say that the light is a little too intense for the little ones. 4-5" whould be about perfect since you're using 4 of them," until they get a little bigger, then bring them back down again.

Also...most growers like to keep their water/fert PH around 6.4-6.8. I keep mine at 6.6-6.8, and it works great.
All great advice you should listen to.
especially with raising the lights. My current grow started off slow and my plants constantly looked curled up in the beginning of my grow. Then i raised the lights about 6 inches and i didn't have that dry soil and hunkered down leaves anymore .. the problem fixed itself within twelve hours... def raise those cfls in the beginning.
In my opinion i think a little stretch is good in the beginning plus. It's a def that if you have seedlings ( a pic would be better) that have just sprouted. Your giving them light that is far too intense. raise em'll see a difference in your leaves and/or soil quick