newbie question


I started my first plantation 5 days ago just with just one seed taken from a friend and germinated. Unfortunately the first two days I used an incandescent bulb and my plants elongated more, since two days but I got a 85W CFL and i managed to meet a plant pot larger in which i have covered the extra strain with soil with 7ph, now I think everything is going okey. Unfortunately I have not spent too much money for my plant and I want to ask you and if ITS guys okey to use rose fertilizer is more Cheaper Because. Sorry for my english if i was wrong, english is my native language note. thx:shock:


I think all plant fertilizer is just N-P-K in some kind of ratio, so ya it should work better than nothing but I'm not entirely positive. Just start with a really low ppm and see how it goes. Also I think you want more of a 6.5 PH with soil.

Oh and don't start fertilizing until veg, they don't need it as seedlings, especially in soil.


The soil pocket says: ph de 6.5 -7. I think is okey.It's vegetating already i think. my plant have 4 leaf( each with an area of ​​about 0.7 cm square) :D I will wait a week before I'll buy fertilizer anyway. thx for you answer Kiache


Active Member
I hear weed eats a ton of calcium and magnesium. so you should maybe get some calmag.... thats what someone told me.