Newbie Round 2


Active Member
My first round lasted all of two weeks lol. Used MG potting soil and burned my poor plants.

Soil: This time around used Jiffy Natural Organic Seed starting Mix with no nutes.

Water: Using walmart spring water with a ph of 7.0. Tested runoff and its measuring 6.8 so I should be good to go this time.

Lights: Using two 23w 5k cfls for now. Will upgrade to more lights as it gets bigger.

Ventilation: Using a 4" inline fan to pull in fresh air and a 6" fan to circulate air.

This is how it looks after day 5. Only growing one to get a hang of things. Hopefully its female. Anything Im missing?



Well-Known Member
Looking good for now. Check out some ph nutrient uptake charts though . Consider looking into coco. Super simple to grow in and yeilds great results

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
I have used the jiffy start for seeds and clones, works well. I have also used miracle grow and I had similar results with young plants as you did. After germinating seeds in a wet towel, I use Earthgro soil the rest of the grow. No chunks of mulch or sticks in this stuff, pure black earth, at a nice price. They also have some good manure and mushroom compost blends. I find it at my local hardware store, check it out if you can get some in your area.



Well-Known Member
Look up my buddy's grow titled first grow day 3. He and I have been starting from day one and it'll help with your grow. Got a lot of veterans helping with it as well.

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I would start getting lights now. For one plant. 2 more 23 w=100w cfl might veg ok but 3 more would be ideal. 100 actual watts per plant is a rule of thumb for cfl. Also look into nutrients as it will take time to pick. For less chem and good price. I chose general organics. I know alot of people like the floral.series by general.hydroponics too. Good luck. Keep us posted. Im in my first flower and laughing at myself for the newbieness lol. Happy farming.


Also just noticed humidity in 20s? Going to need to get that up to at very least 40 for plants to do ok.


Active Member
Also, heres some pictures of the new light setup. Using 4 23w 5k cfl. They are about 4" away now.

And heres a picture of my peppers and tomatoes. They are all turning yellow and two actually died! Is this due to the low humidity of 25%. I do also have a fan blowing on them as well. I put a cup of water in there with the fan blowing on that to promote humidity.



Active Member
Really freaking out that everything is going to die lol. I moved the fan so that its not blowing directly on the plants. And added two cups of water and a moist towel. Humidity is reading 40 now. Hopefully doing these two things will help.


Active Member
I checked that and its 7.0. I measured the runoff and its 6.8. Im growing some tomatoes and peppers in the same box and everything looked good last night and tonight two of the plants completely wilted and died and 90% of the other plants are turning yellow. Im really hoping that the low humidity and that I had a fan directly on them was drying them out. I guess Ill see tomorrow night when I check up on them again.


Active Member
Update day 7....

Put a solo cup of water with a towel hanging above and dipped in the water. Did that at 7am and at 6pm only had 1/4 water left. Humidity stayed 35% all day doing this. Between towel, adjusting fan and rearranging my lights it looks much healthier! Still yellow but leaves are noticeably bigger and aren't curling under as much. My tomatoes and peppers look much better too!

Here's my $1 humidifier. Dirt cheap and no extra electricity!


Active Member
Thanks, I didnt really see anything that related to my issue. Besides raising the humidity the towels also helped lower the surface temperature from 82 o like 75-77. Seems good now so I wont mess with a good thing. Now Ill start researching on when to start feeding.