Newbie seeking lighting advice!


bongsmilieHey Folks-
I am an outside gardener that is planning on buying clones at the end of April to grow indoors for the month of May so that they are nice and hardy by the time I plant them in June.

My ??? is........the clones are grown in 18hr lighting, I will have them in 18hr lighting for the month of do I plant them OUTSIDE without triggering them into a bloom stage due to them going from 18hrs bulb light to say a 12 hour day light??


Well-Known Member
it has to stay at least 18 hours of daylight. if you are growing them indoors before you take them out.. use CFLS or a MH... if you are only going to veg them inside for a month.. i'd use CFLs... cheaper and less to deal with

you can't control the sun's hours.. so you either veg them til you can plant them outside to flower


Thank you for being SO helpful. Like the forum reads.........NEWBIES, so it might make sense that I DON'T KNOW WHAT "RIU GROW FAQ" YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. Do you have a link, some advice on how to find this elusive information, do you possess some inner knowledge or are you just some arrogant fuck?


Well-Known Member
if you put your plants out in June they will keep veging out
scene they wont have only 12 hours of dark to have there hormones
to start them flowering
you can use a method called force flowering where you set your plants
out in the sun for 12 hours then place in dark for 12. empty closet storage shed ect