Newbie - Small Grow - 1st - Help Needed


Active Member
I have a 4'-10"H x 1'-3"D x 1'-11"W Cabinet. I know very little about ventilation and lighting, not even sure if it will work. But i really want to make two separate compartments one for flowering and one for clones and place mothers into an entirely separate cabinet later on. Any advice on this setup would be appreciated.

I also plan to do some LST using CFLs and an LED UFO (not sure on the model, yet). This is going to be soil based for now. Wish me luck! Any advice/help is appreciated.


Active Member
with a space that small it would be hard to make two seperate areas in. air flow is pretty easy find a small bathroom fan at your local hardware store and it can be placed in the side of the box so it pulls fresh air in and keeps temp under control. you can use CFL's i would suggest 4 or 5 42 watt cfl's. use flat white on the inside of your box to help reflect the light.


Well-Known Member
Fans would be fine for a small grow. Tiny computer like fans. I would split the room down the middle. If you cant use wood then try a cardboard divider. Lighting is based on how many plants you intend to grow. Good luck.


Active Member
im sorry, but i think light should be based on how many sqft of grow area you have. 3000 lumens per sqft is the least you wanna have IMHO