Don't be a pussy. It's winter and the perfect time to start DWC.
Newbies who grow in soil think its "easier". This is not true. Just visit the soil section and read all the problems they have.
Deep Water Culture is easyyyyyy. You just have to keep the ph around 6.0, your water temps 64-75 ish. Use Reverse Osmosis filtered water and change your reservoir every two weeks and its smooth sailing. Make sure there's lots of bubbles(Big air stones) in your dwc buckets.
People who run into trouble in dwc
1) use tap water
2) don't change their reservoir
3) use those cheap yellow ph pen.(after a few weeks the readings are unreliable)
4) no bubbles in the bucket
5) reservoir temps are too high/too low
6) Mixing nutrients incorrectly
7) Don't use cal/mag
Wash your hands and equipment before you mix your nutrients.
Rinse your measuring cup after every use.
Dwc plants really start to take off after the 3rd week(when the roots are established).
Plants grow faster and heavier when grown in dwc. Whatever nutrients you use remember to add mycorrhizae/beneficial bacteria's like Great White.
Youtube has many great tutorials.
Newbies who grow in soil think its "easier". This is not true. Just visit the soil section and read all the problems they have.
Deep Water Culture is easyyyyyy. You just have to keep the ph around 6.0, your water temps 64-75 ish. Use Reverse Osmosis filtered water and change your reservoir every two weeks and its smooth sailing. Make sure there's lots of bubbles(Big air stones) in your dwc buckets.
People who run into trouble in dwc
1) use tap water
2) don't change their reservoir
3) use those cheap yellow ph pen.(after a few weeks the readings are unreliable)
4) no bubbles in the bucket
5) reservoir temps are too high/too low
6) Mixing nutrients incorrectly
7) Don't use cal/mag
Wash your hands and equipment before you mix your nutrients.
Rinse your measuring cup after every use.
Dwc plants really start to take off after the 3rd week(when the roots are established).
Plants grow faster and heavier when grown in dwc. Whatever nutrients you use remember to add mycorrhizae/beneficial bacteria's like Great White.
Youtube has many great tutorials.