Newbie to Growing


Hi all, a newbie here and help what do I do. I just got my first order of seeds 5 female. Now what?
what I have is a couple of planters but what type of soil? and lights I have some old 48inch fish tank lights and I know i need grow lights but what kind and how long do I leave them on. oh too many questions. all this just to grow for my wife and I any help will do thanks


Well-Known Member
sorry to say but you have lots of reading to do before starting any seeds lots of info on the site just look around


Active Member
Grorite is right you need to dedicate a few hours of reading every night for a week then plan it out on paper then you should be ready and the wife wont be all sad cause you failed. GL HF man :D


Well-Known Member
You know all those tests you never studied for but managed to pass when you were in high school? Well this IS NOT one of those tests so as the two before me have said STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
while seeds are germing for a couple days ....... READ EVERYTHING YOU CAN ! don ask questions , just keep reading . You will get your own answers as you read.


Well-Known Member
ya man, READ as much as you can. I researched for like a year or so before getting into an actual grow. I tried doing it all without studying, and failed every time! this site has everything you could ever want to know about growing. that's why I joined, so I could read, and now share my knowledge. but I still have a lot to learn!! just read, don't waste seeds, especially bought fem seeds. I grow bagseed so its not as much of a waste. READ READ READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I put mine in a Airtight Freezer Baggy, then put them in a sealed freezer container with some uncooked rice at the bottom to absorb moisture, then just throw them in the freezer. Never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest some bag seed for you first run or clones. You will mess up..we all have.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to store the seed just for a couple of weeks while you assemble everything you need for your grow, then a cool dark place is fine. But fridge/freezer is good...

You've already decided soil over that's one decision. Now you need to decide on:
Air circulation
Temperature and humidity control
Odor control

Look at the Jorge Cervantes YouTube instructional videos. Read The Cannabis Grow Bible. Those two things will give you a lot of info that you need to sort through to choose what's best for your particular situation -- then you should ask specific questions to help you make final decisions.

Then assemble everything you need for the veg period. As you move through that, you can be reading up on flowering and making sure what you have what you need for that.

Don't worry about messing up -- you learn A LOT the first time through, then refine it with successive grows. I broke the experience down into stages: Initial set up/germination, vegetation, flowering, harvest and drying/curing. Each has its learning curve, so take it one step at a time.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hi all, a newbie here and help what do I do. I just got my first order of seeds 5 female. Now what?
what I have is a couple of planters but what type of soil? and lights I have some old 48inch fish tank lights and I know i need grow lights but what kind and how long do I leave them on. oh too many questions. all this just to grow for my wife and I any help will do thanks
As unprepared as you are, go here and make it easy on yourself - and cheap too. With excellent results using a proven method.

Ask Moebius anything. He answers all.

Don't freeze those frigging seeds. Leave them alone unless you plan on waiting a decade or two.