Newbie With A Queerrrrrrrrrrrrrrry

Hi guys totally new on here, but i joined as ive read afew forums on here and found the advice really worthwhile wich you guys exchange. S o could anyone tell me whats goin on with one of my plants? Its Blueberry and ive a smaill fridge grow , she flowered no worries, so instead of cutting her stock to hang her upside down, i just snipped the beautiful buds of the main branches and left a skeliton of a once beautiful plant.
Now here is my question...... I mistakenly left the skeleton plant in the flowering chamber,to cut it short, she is absolutely thriving, shes so bushy and shes buddin very very nicely....i thought once she flowered her days were finished, seems not....any ideas please how ive managed

frig guy

Active Member
I have found that cutting a plant even in flower can cause it to continue to grow if you want to make her strong slowly switch the lights back to 18/6 for like three to 4 weeks and put her back into flower again you will be pleasantly amazed.


Well-Known Member
hey badmonkey.. plants will reveg. blueberry is a finiky plant and may hermie on u. if u see nuts on her if not to bad take a pair of scissors and cu them off. if its a strain u want to save some people cut it at the bottom andf itwill grow again. just put it bac to veg 18/6 or 24/0 with ur light. when ready reflower.. nice job