Newbie with a Rough Situation but a Hopeful Plan. Please Help!


Active Member
Yeah I have some other house hold plants that I used it for and I noticed how squishy it is just from watering those.

Now, hot glue gun for the best way to attach mylar?


Well-Known Member
That could work. I use scotch tape and make little loops and put them at the back of the corners as a guide. Then I go over all of the edges will foil tape.

Have you done a dry run yet? How is your heat? That is the number 1 bitch.


Active Member
My dresser is being built in a few days so I haven't had a chance for a dry run yet. I have run the lights over my house hold plants and it doesnt seem too bad but it isn't enclosed yet so I wont know till later.

Hopefully my fans will do the job. I feel pretty confident about it but time will tell.


Well-Known Member
I would encourage this prior to doing something irreversible or doing something you can't modify. Sometimes the gameplan has to change.


Active Member
alright im almost finished with my box

after harvest, can i re veg my plant back to life? or should i be clipping clones?


Well-Known Member
you can reveg your plant, depends on your wants
a reveg gives you time to sample your wares, decide if it's worth revegging


Well-Known Member
I would start fresh seeds to give yourself a good control example of how your new set up is working. Revegging a harvested plant is not a good idea for someone new in my opinion. It takes probably less time to start with new seeds, the soil will be fresh and not all salted up from nuting ect and the new plant will be in much better shape. Look at some pics of plants before harvest...their fan leaves are shot. As far as clones, where are you going to veg it while you flower? Probably ought to keep it simple.

I would also test your water for PH and hardness before you start.


Active Member
so i started already.

i have a plant in soil, three inches under three CFL lights. 18 6 schedule and in like one 24 hour period it shot up like half an inch but now its about at a total of an inch and were up to like day six or so. i used some B 1 vites for it.

two concerns. i know it takes time but it seems to be growing very very slow compared to other peoples pictures and time frames (this pic from day 4, 5, 6 ect.)
and number two...
on one of the round leaves, (the bigger one) at the very tip its slightly yellow.

im using bottled distilled water from the store, im watering just enough to keep the soil a bit moist, i have a fan moving air at least two hours a cycle, ( im nervous to give it too much air, dont want to hurt it, maybe it wont, i dont know)



Active Member
I can't tell if your stoned or being sarcastic. :)

I will post pictures of my girl soon. Just was wondering what people thought about my concerns off the top of their heads.


Well-Known Member
No nutes for 2 weeks minimum, constant gentle breeze on the plants. Tilt the fan up so the majority of the wind is going between the light and the plant. As the plant gets bigger, you can put more wind directly on it. This will thicken up the stems. But for now, this will help dissipate the heat from the CFLs. I would never turn the fan off. As far as your growth rate...don't worry about it. You aren't going to get the same explosive growth with CFLs and frankly I don't know how some of these guys get 12in plants in 2 weeks.


Active Member
All the plants I've seen with explosive growth have been under cfls.

Now granted we weren't talking about cannabis but the guy at the plant store told me no matter what soil the plant is in, B 1 is great for baby plants just starting out. He said it also mixes as a foliage spray only to be sprayed when the lights are off of course so the plant doesn't burn.

So is that not true then? Again, we weren't talking about cannibis but he reassured me that it would be safe.

And the yellow spot was there before the B 1 nutes.

Ok ill keep my fan running, I have everything set up in a closet and its just the frame right now, no grow box yet so I get worried that the fan will make it too cool. But what do I know. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't know. I've never heard of it, but generally seedlings don't need nutes with soil. Some of the stuff on RIU, you have to take with a grain of salt, but I have had worse luck in stores with people trying to push shit you don't need.

It's probably fine and so is your plant, but here on out it would probably be helpful to include some pics


Active Member

so i dont know if you can see, but there is a little yellow spot toward the tip of the rounded leaf. and even towards the end it looks white.

i dunno if thats normal.

this is my ghetto set up for now. im hopefully finishing the box this week along with some carbon filters.

my first plan was to have a computer fan as an out with a thin peice of square vent foam over the fan with activated carbon and then another piece over that.

so its like a sandwich with carbon in the middle, almost like a bigger version of those little hand warmers you can get.

like a square hackie sack. in front of the fan.

but i dont know if it will work of if the fan will move enough air to clean it. what do you think? are the inline duct fans that you can buy as DIY carbon scrubbers, loud?


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Those little round leaves (think they are called cotyledon) are going to die off anyway. No more nutes until you get a few more nodes. Keep an eye on the leaves for similar symtoms. I'm not sure if you should do something at this stage.

As far as the fans, I'm not sure I understand your question regarding inline fans. A PC fan barely works with a dust wire mesh dust screw on deal made specifically to keep shit out of your computer (i've tried). I also had the same idea as you on my first box of cutting out foam. I'm 99% sure it won't work. A duct booster fan won't work through a filter. A centrifugal inline fan will, but they are louder. What is loud to you? Hearing it out your front door Hearing it walking by...yes. Stealth is really just code for compromise. In my opinion, if you are going to use PC fans compromise on the filter. Your apartment may smell like a bong hit, but I just don't see it working in your set up.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the strain and number of plants, but the odor during veg is somewhat negligible. Flower is when it starts to stink. I was kind of trying to impress this on you earlier so you didn't do what I did. My first grow, I spent a lot of money and time on all this stuff and it didn't least up to my or the plant's standard.

I finally bit the bullet and decided to get enough space to do it right. The filter on my can fan cost $60 and required 5 seconds of duct tape. The inline fan and filter together cost a smidge over $200. Even with the filter attached, the fan puts out a small hurricane. Of course I had to sacrifice some decibels.

But when I look back at all the wasted time, PC fans, cell phone adapters, ect I realized I spent just as much money. I have about 4 PC fans, a duct booster fan and 2 dozen CFLs in boxes in my closet now.

PC fans work for intake and they will work for exhaust, but not with a filter. Booster fans are not much better. The drop off in CFM makes them worthless. Go to Home Depot and buy a booster fan. Then put a dryer sheet over it and stick your hand in front. You can tell right away. Then return the fan.

If you are going to use these fans, you need to PM someone who has actually made them work. I have a feeling though, you are going to be in the business of masking not filtering....


Well-Known Member
odor is a big unknown for a new grower, depends on the luck of the draw for the plants
i've gotten by with no odor control for 1 plant grows(so far)
even the smelliest strain didn't travel very far, stayed in the room i grew in, and that wasn't much
some strains can be stinkers, that is a risk


Active Member
Ok. Hmm... so what do you suggest I do?

This is my plan so far. I have a grow box for vegging and starting clones and such.

When its ready for flowering, I have a trash can set up in a hall closet with a lock and key so no one but me can get in. It looks like all the other knobs too.
The can is taller then my grow box and its lined with mylar. I'll be carving spots for computer fans for intake.
The lid of the can has four 100 watt equivalent 2700k bulbs. And then two more in the middle of the can so it even gets the plant that the top lights might miss.

My only issue now is the smell. I'll probably be only flowering one plant at a time but that closet is ten feet from my door. It's also right by my table where I burn huge incense sticks. I cannot smell the incense when I'm standing outside my door TRYING to smell it. And its not sitting in a closet like my plant will be.

I probably won't do filters on my grow box if vegging plants don't really smell because its deeper into the apartment and I think ill have enough masking going on. I'll probably get one of those smell grabbed bags and hang it on the outside of the box. It's also built with heavy duty nice smelling wood.

So my problem is, I'm not sure what to do about the filter.

So those inline ones don't really work even the ones that have cfm ratings of 250?

What do you think I should do for a filter? How do all these people have these designs of DIY carbon filters and claim they work?