Newbie with heat issues. (surprisingly)

Hey all, I'm having a few temp issues and as I'm in week 5 of flower I'm starting to get quite pissed that I can't get it to level out.
My set up is the following.
1.2x1.2 x 6ft
5inch ryno twin speed intake (pulling through 1.5/2meters to reach tent)
6inch ryno twin speed extraction running into 6inch prima klima carb filter.
4inch Rvk in-line (when Needed)
2 x 5 inch clip on fans over the top of canopy.
1 x 8inch circulating on bottom
The fans run through an ecotechnic evolution fan control unit.
1 x 600 light
Im averaging 27/28c with the light on with humidity at around 40/50%
Lights are off at the moment all fans running and its 25.6. Fans are pulling air from the loft which I know isn't ideal but all I can do at the moment.

Any advice would most grateful


Well-Known Member
Fans are pulling air from the loft

Heat rises, if this can't be changed....IDK, it seems like your main problem. You need the intake as cool as possible, it's the only source of cool, fresh air..maybe run ducting thru the loft to an opening? If you can't use a/c maybe you can rig up a swamp cooler?
Venting through the roof isn't really possible unfortunately, intrigued by the sound of a swamp cooler, I knocked this together few weeks back is this kinda the same principle?



Well-Known Member
haha, yep same thing exactly. A chilled box with a fan.. Maybe pack the cooler with dry ice?

Are you using a cool tube for your light? cool tube.jpg
Haha at least I'm on the rite tracks, it's currently filled with cooler packs. Not sure where to get dry ice locally. I took the cool tube off couple of days ago as the temps seemed ok lol guess I thought wrong. I've adjusted the cool tube to work with an xl adjuster wing. Looks like I maybe putting it back together then
I'm over in the UK, so didn't think heat would be to big an issue, I was clearly wrong lol heat tube it is then. Would the Rvk 4inch do the trick?


Well-Known Member
Would the Rvk 4inch do the trick?
Is that one of those 200cfm booster fans? They will pull some heat, but only maybe half IME. Ideally you want a good 400cfm at the exhaust port of your tent, pulling tent air thru the light. It should go filter-duct-light-duct-fan-exhaust port. With a good fan pulling you should be able to hold your hand comfortably right under the light.