Newbie with random questions and pics!


Active Member
To be sure .. you can put 'em under 11/13 lights (hps) (or less) .. for a few days .. just until they start to show sex .. then bring em back out .. yeah they all get preflowers .. unfortunately .. I've been tricked by the preflowers they occur at the nodes .. look for definite hairs .. but .. I'd rather be SURE ! Not sure about cfl's to determine sex .. I'll leave that to others but I think .. if you cut the light hours (cfl) down to eleven .. or even a little less .. they will show sex in a few days
yeah all these guys have known since Easter is sunlight.....I don't have any indoor equipment. Maybe I can pull them inside after 12 hours of sun for a few days? If that would many days before I put them back on regular schedule?

Secondly, by forcing the plant to begin flowering, arn't I essentially slowing the plants growth for a couple weeks? I imagine it would take a few days to go back into veg mode...... maybe it makes more sense at this point to just wait it out considering I'm looking at around a couple weeks at any rate???

Thanks for the tips!bongsmilie


Active Member
yeah all these guys have known since Easter is sunlight.....I don't have any indoor equipment. Maybe I can pull them inside after 12 hours of sun for a few days? If that would many days before I put them back on regular schedule?

Secondly, by forcing the plant to begin flowering, arn't I essentially slowing the plants growth for a couple weeks? I imagine it would take a few days to go back into veg mode...... maybe it makes more sense at this point to just wait it out considering I'm looking at around a couple weeks at any rate???

Thanks for the tips!bongsmilie

haha ..I don't think you lose anything ( at least not much ) .. there is a thread I've seen that talks about cutting light to determine sex .. lemme see if I can find it ... check fdd2blk's tutorial about seed production I think it's in there ..

put 'em back in full sun as soon as u r sure of sex !

the clone in this picture showed sex w/in three days under hps .. so .. I cloned it .. it's been under alternating 24 on then 18/6 lights for about 5 days(under cfl) .. reverting to veg state (hairs drying up )



Active Member
haha ..I don't think you lose anything ( at least not much ) .. there is a thread I've seen that talks about cutting light to determine sex .. lemme see if I can find it ... check fdd2blk's tutorial about seed production I think it's in there ..

put 'em back in full sun as soon as u r sure of sex !

the clone in this picture showed sex w/in three days under hps .. so .. I cloned it .. it's been under alternating 24 on then 18/6 lights for about 5 days(under cfl) .. reverting to veg state (hairs drying up )
nice! I've been tearing through all fdd's posts I love the keep it simple stupid approaches he uses. With the Grow Big 6-4-4 I'm using do you think I could still supplement additional nitrogen? I'm searching around for the Metanaturals 16-0-0, I want these things to blow up!!!


Active Member
I use chinken manure and steer manure and Horse manure .. blended in my compost heap b4 I plant .. I use a diluted fish emulsion ... (amongst other stuff )when I water .. Haha .... never had a N problem .. careful not to 'burn " em


Active Member
I use chinken manure and steer manure and Horse manure .. blended in my compost heap b4 I plant .. I use a diluted fish emulsion ... (amongst other stuff )when I water .. Haha .... never had a N problem .. careful not to 'burn " em
Yeah being my first grow I'm trying not to play around too much and keep it pretty simple. Any idea what amount of nitrogen is too much that would make the plant burn? For instance if I did have that nitro fert at 16-0-0 and it calls for 1 teaspoon per gal, at what point would I begin burnin them? 2 teaspoons per gal? 3?


Active Member
Yeah being my first grow I'm trying not to play around too much and keep it pretty simple. Any idea what amount of nitrogen is too much that would make the plant burn? For instance if I did have that nitro fert at 16-0-0 and it calls for 1 teaspoon per gal, at what point would I begin burnin them? 2 teaspoons per gal? 3?

Hahaha .. IDK .. would be interesting to find out .. got enough plants to give 'em double dose and see if it burns it ?

If that doesn't burn it .. give it triple dose .. Haha .. I think I'd stick w/ Mfr's reccomendation .. if u don't want to experiment

I figure .. make sure it has a balanced soil and available nutrients and enough water to keep it goin' .. it'll take what it needs and let you know if it's missing something .. It won't LOOK healthy ...... I worry more about trace elements .... that's why I use my own soil ....


Well-Known Member
your plants are looking good bro, what are you so worried about mate hehe there will always be huge fan leaves casting shadows over some parts of your plant. These huge leaves is what is making your plants starting to take off bro dont cut em. Your plant is growing em for a reason and doesnt need your help:D:D
good luck ill be following


Active Member
Hahaha .. IDK .. would be interesting to find out .. got enough plants to give 'em double dose and see if it burns it ?

If that doesn't burn it .. give it triple dose .. Haha .. I think I'd stick w/ Mfr's reccomendation .. if u don't want to experiment

I figure .. make sure it has a balanced soil and available nutrients and enough water to keep it goin' .. it'll take what it needs and let you know if it's missing something .. It won't LOOK healthy ...... I worry more about trace elements .... that's why I use my own soil ....
lol yeah your right I should just stick to the label but I've not been one to follow rules with anything in life it's so hard! All I'm pretty much subscribed to at this point food wise throughout the grow is FF Happy Frog soil, superthrive, and the FF Grow Big 6-4-4, and of course the Bloom when it's time. I'm trying REAL hard not to BREAK DOWN and get that additional nitro fert. They look so good right now I'd probably hang myself with them if I did some dumb shit and destroyed them.

On the supercropping/topping/LST tip I decided on topping my 7 weekers (9 of em) and I'm going to play with LST on my 4 weekers (3 of em). Super cropping is a little too deep for me at this point. When I received the 4 weekers (10 days ago) they were not in great health and appear to have some sort of nutrient burn. I've just been flushing them using Super thrive only and they seem to be coming back. The stems are really thin and flexible and would be perfect to play with. :joint:


Active Member
your plants are looking good bro, what are you so worried about mate hehe there will always be huge fan leaves casting shadows over some parts of your plant. These huge leaves is what is making your plants starting to take off bro dont cut em. Your plant is growing em for a reason and doesnt need your help:D:D
good luck ill be following
right on man. I think I ask most of my questions just so someone can slap me with a reality check :-P


Active Member
I'm ready to decapitate! Is this where I do it? The first pic is of the target, it is 6 "true" nodes tall. The second pic is where I have premeditated the execution. High noon is fast approaching.......



Active Member
I'm ready to decapitate! Is this where I do it? The first pic is of the target, it is 6 "true" nodes tall. The second pic is where I have premeditated the execution. High noon is fast approaching.......
If u want four .. check Uncle's ben's first few pg's again ..... I've benn topping cropping and pinching since 1971 .. it depends on my mood and how the plants seem to want to go ... Like Bonsai ... experiment a little !

first pic is 15 days into flowering and was topped at day 13

second pic was topped at 7 days into flowering .. day 15 in pic

third pic was topped .. WAY down .. to just above alternating node .. after 4 1/2 -5 wks of veg in sun .. in shade just 'till flower's showed



Active Member
If u want four .. check Uncle's ben's first few pg's again ..... I've benn topping cropping and pinching since 1971 .. it depends on my mood and how the plants seem to want to go ... Like Bonsai ... experiment a little !

first pic is 15 days into flowering and was topped at day 13

second pic was topped at 7 days into flowering .. day 15 in pic

third pic was topped .. WAY down .. to just above alternating node .. after 4 1/2 -5 wks of veg in sun .. in shade just 'till flower's showed
nice. I'm a bit unclear as to where to cut per Uncle Ben's post. For two colas I would top where I indicated on the pic???....... and for 4 i would cut the node below it?


Active Member
and is the "node" above where I indicated I would cut considered to be a "true" node?
Sorry Bro' .. Yes ... that should get you four Main Cola's .. I wasn't trying to be a wise guy ... when you have opposing node (like just below where you marked it ) as long as there are two or four full nodes below where you "prune it .. then you will get 2 or 4 main stems (cola's) in the photos I showed you .. I topped it much later .... and did it to show (and experiment ) that you can "top it almost any time .. even during flowering .. the point being .. that the longer you wait //the more (already grown Bud ) .. the more you lose ... I figured .. the plant will STILL make up for losing the growing tip ... any later the payoff .. (I don't think ) would be worth it .. lemme' look again at your pic


Active Member
Sorry Bro' .. Yes ... that should get you four Main Cola's .. I wasn't trying to be a wise guy ... when you have opposing node (like just below where you marked it ) as long as there are two or four full nodes below where you "prune it .. then you will get 2 or 4 main stems (cola's) in the photos I showed you .. I topped it much later .... and did it to show (and experiment ) that you can "top it almost any time .. even during flowering .. the point being .. that the longer you wait //the more (already grown Bud ) .. the more you lose ... I figured .. the plant will STILL make up for losing the growing tip ... any later the payoff .. (I don't think ) would be worth it .. lemme' look again at your pic

Yes .. You HAVE chosen the right spot !


Active Member
It looks like a true node to me !
Right on! I got the "node" thing down now! I came across another chart that indicates I may have waited too long for the 4 colas though..... my plants are anywhere from 5-9 nodes tall now. According to the chart below, especially my 9 node plants, I can expect them to be much smaller colas than if I had topped them early on. Does it still make sense to top at this point for the most yield??? They should be vegging into august giving me plenty of time.....


Active Member
Right on! I got the "node" thing down now! I came across another chart that indicates I may have waited too long for the 4 colas though..... my plants are anywhere from 5-9 nodes tall now. According to the chart below, especially my 9 node plants, I can expect them to be much smaller colas than if I had topped them early on. Does it still make sense to top at this point for the most yield??? They should be vegging into august giving me plenty of time.....

Well .. I topped this one after 5 weeks of vegging .. it was a shorter plant of 8 clones I got .. but the leaves looked .. a "little more " like Sativa .. that I'm looking for ... the last picture shows it about 2 1/2 weeks after topping

so I cloned the main top and whacked it in half .. it's growing out now .. looks Like I'll get 3 MAIN Cola's And some big "suckers" .. I topped it above alternating stems .. You have to experiment a little and see what happens ..haha

Rock ON !!



Active Member
Sup folks here's some updated pics of the plot. Growth seems to have been pretty good. Out of the 9 sprouted late March I've confirmed 5 females! The others are still keeping a secret but 5/5 ain't bad so far!!! They have an average height of about 2 feet, still in the 2 gallon buckets. Once the others finally show they're sex they will be transplanted to 5 gallon buckets.

I chilled out on the topping factor, since the plants are already 2 months old now decided to only hack into two of them to see what becomes of them and compare them to the yield of the one's mother nature will dictate.

Things have gone relatively smooth up into about a week and a half ago but i've finally come across what seems to be a significant problem. Basically, my plants are wilting more so than they ever have before. 3 weeks ago when the sun was out they were quick to perk up and soak it up but now it's a different story.

I searched around on the boards and found that they had many symptoms of a plant getting too much nitrogen, the wilting, new growth leaves being more "stringy" and wavy than thick. There was never any "burn" at the leaves, but I figured that's what would be coming next, so I went ahead and totally flushed them all out a week and a half ago. Since then I haven't given them any supplements at all. They have just been getting about a gallon of water every two days.

Well there doesn't seem to be any improvement as of yet and I was running out of conditions to speculate, until I just went out to see if the pots could use another watering.

I digged my fingers down the side of one of the pots to see where the moisture level was and holy shit! The soil is fucking HOT! The top couple inches where it was dry were not bad but once I hit the moisture level it was burning! The past couple weeks have been pretty hot, some days pushin 100, with today being only 83 I can't imagine how hot the soil got on those days.

So yeah, my best guess is this is the problem, but how do I solve it??? The plants need more water when in really hot conditions, but the byproduct is a raging inferno inside the bucket!!! WTF am I supposed to do? I can't be over/underwatering these by 1 gallon every two days can i?

