If you grow them outdoors then you don't start the flowering stage...nature does when the days get shorter between summer and fall. Unfortunately, you are supposed to do all this research before you germinate the seeds.Right I've 5 channel+ plants ranging from 1 to 3inchs in size and they are currently in composting soil with some worm castings I'm just waiting on vermaculite and Coco coir I was going to make my own soil which I seen on a webpage somewhere in looking to grow these outside so I am I was going to dig holes and fill with my own soil like I've seen on videos for the UK and I think we get about 14hours of daylight at the minute so how will I know when to plant them in the ground and how will I start the flowering stage that's my question? Like I said I'm new to this and am quick at learning things so all knowledge is kindly appreciated
Plants can go outside once its warm enough
This is very true. At my latitude warm = late enough but thats not the case everywhere. He did mention he's already getting 13hrs light tho...If you put them outside too soon in the season regardless of how warm it is out, you'll run into a situation where there's not enough sunlight to keep them in vegetative state, so they'll start flowering, then as the spring turns to summer, it'll re-veg, then later in the year, it'll flower again.
Always pay attention to how much time there is between sunrise and sunset in your specific growing area before putting the plants outside for the year.