NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!


Well-Known Member
this might sound reatrded but what is 20-20-20 feed? i know what you mean by 1/4 but not 20-20-20.

also herb those numbers are during veg? i thought you only water for the 2 first weeks
You have it all mixed up. NPK is the ratio of the nutes. NPK Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and potasium
20-20-20 during vegatation 8-34-8 durng flowering to get the most out of your plant. for flowering something with high phosphorus. some growers feed every day but this can be dangerous for new growers cause they tend to over feed. 3 times a week sounds good. When the plants get to a size when they need watered every day I go by a cycle. 1 feed,2 water,3water,4feed,5water,6water7,feed or somethin round that. Dont over feed. 1/4 strength till your plant is 3-5 weeks old bring it up to 1/2 strength full strength may be too much for a weed plant depends on age.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah youll see a ratio x-x-x on the feed box some where usually where it tells the percentage of types of nutrient. That is what you compare the ratios. Get anything close it does not have to be exact.


Well-Known Member
More from me..... After further checking today of my one plant flowering I have found one seed hanging there from a node sight, the seed is green with brown strips down it. Looks like what I planted only much greener. Also found underside one of my buds a different looking thing, it was a pale color. Only notice these thigns on the bottom portion of the plant. Does this mean hermie or am I still okay????
Alright take a deepp breath just to start off hermies arent bad they just produce buds with seeds. No big deal youll def still get bud. And the reason why it is green seed is b/c the seed isnt mature enough. Hermies are okay. But i still think it might be a coincidental occasion. your plant will be fine.

420 Tokers

Active Member
Alright I will take a deep breath of smoke and chill the fuck out. Just want the first harvest to be worth the time and investment. Thanks for checking that out!


Well-Known Member
Alright I will take a deep breath of smoke and chill the fuck out. Just want the first harvest to be worth the time and investment. Thanks for checking that out!
Just think of it this way if u like the bud youll have a few seeds to grow some more. it isnt like your plants buds are going to explode and produce male flowers you will just have a few seeds that all. And your welcome . If you are really thankful up my rep i need some more points for today.


Active Member
First before I get yelled at saying I didnt check first... Yes I checked but I am so confused because there are a million different answers to my questions it seems...

So I am growing for the first time... I bought some White Widow seeds offline and germed them about a month ago... they are all about 5 inches tall now...
I have a closet I am growing in that is 2'x6'x8' and I have hung 2 4' dual fluorescent lights from the ceiling side by side... presently I am using Plant and Aquarium bulbs in both but I have seen in many posts that the Daylights are better to use? I have also seen that one is good for veg and the other for flowering??? Please help!

Next question... I am growing 10 plants rite now in 2.5 gallon buckets. whats better tall and skinny or short and bushy? And how should I go about making them short and bushy if thats best? I have looked all over for how and when to acomplish this but I just want someone to answer that question directly rather that reading it in another section...

Many thanks in advance! I will post some pics tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
First before I get yelled at saying I didnt check first... Yes I checked but I am so confused because there are a million different answers to my questions it seems...

So I am growing for the first time... I bought some White Widow seeds offline and germed them about a month ago... they are all about 5 inches tall now...
I have a closet I am growing in that is 2'x6'x8' and I have hung 2 4' dual fluorescent lights from the ceiling side by side... presently I am using Plant and Aquarium bulbs in both but I have seen in many posts that the Daylights are better to use? I have also seen that one is good for veg and the other for flowering??? Please help!

Next question... I am growing 10 plants rite now in 2.5 gallon buckets. whats better tall and skinny or short and bushy? And how should I go about making them short and bushy if thats best? I have looked all over for how and when to acomplish this but I just want someone to answer that question directly rather that reading it in another section...

Many thanks in advance! I will post some pics tomorrow!
I used to use plant and aqurium lights. they work fine . How bout this ppl were debating on thes e websites bout daylight. I think the daylights give off more light in the blue spectrum which is good for vegatative growth. The plant ans aquarium gives off blue and red light to benefit for flowering. I would suggest to geet two daylight bulbs and just replace two of em with daylight for the vegatative stage. For flowering when you change the lights 12/12 put the plant and aquariums back in and this sould be fine for flowerin. make sure the tubes are really close to the plants 3-5 inches away so they dont stretch. And there are different methods for growing. try different things. Leave a few go. When the a few plants grow their first five leaves the next node prune to the first five node and two branches will grow from there but it takes time to recover. LST low stress training , and super cropping are nice too. Look on the net and youll get detailed info too long for me to type. I hope you have only one plant for each 2-1/2 gallon buckets


Active Member
K cool I think you meant use 2 aquarium and 2 daylight bulbs so thats what I did...

And you think I should prune after the first five leaf node huh... So just clip it rite above that node... I will try that on a few of them! and yes they are in diff pots! at least I got something rite...

Is there any other pruning I should do?

Oyea heres a good one... When should I clone? I dont want to clone a male but I was told you cant clone after you start them veging?


Active Member
I got a Top44 plant that just sprouted and I heard this is a good plant to start out for beginners. This is my first grow Im only doing 1 plant and Im not concerned above a big harvest just want some personal budsbongsmilie . I heard lowryder strain is the way to go in a small growing place but how will a Top44 plant do in small growing conditions? My grow box at the moment is 2x2x2 feet, 13 watt CFL, 2x 90mm fan with high nutrient soil. Ive seen some people keep their plants small and it will still grow buds and they harvest it.

My questions are.

How big will a Top44 plant grow in that growing place? Someone said I could train and go wide saying that they don't grow tall.

Will I need to move it to a new growing set up or can I get the plant the grow buds at a smaller height?

any help is appreciated..

cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey herb ure da man im starting a hempy grow soon so i will def bombard u wit questions...;)...i was actually thinking about going w lucas formula, what you think some say the bottle regime is better wat not...we will c.


Well-Known Member
K cool I think you meant use 2 aquarium and 2 daylight bulbs so thats what I did...

And you think I should prune after the first five leaf node huh... So just clip it rite above that node... I will try that on a few of them! and yes they are in diff pots! at least I got something rite...

Is there any other pruning I should do?

Oyea heres a good one... When should I clone? I dont want to clone a male but I was told you cant clone after you start them veging?
Look on the FAQ they have some stuff on cloninn. Or lucker near the beg of my thread there is smoe stuff bout clonin.


Well-Known Member
hey herb ure da man im starting a hempy grow soon so i will def bombard u wit questions...;)...i was actually thinking about going w lucas formula, what you think some say the bottle regime is better wat not...we will c.
Hell ya man try it out keep me postted if u have any more questions just halla.


Well-Known Member
I got a Top44 plant that just sprouted and I heard this is a good plant to start out for beginners. This is my first grow Im only doing 1 plant and Im not concerned above a big harvest just want some personal budsbongsmilie . I heard lowryder strain is the way to go in a small growing place but how will a Top44 plant do in small growing conditions? My grow box at the moment is 2x2x2 feet, 13 watt CFL, 2x 90mm fan with high nutrient soil. Ive seen some people keep their plants small and it will still grow buds and they harvest it.

My questions are.

How big will a Top44 plant grow in that growing place? Someone said I could train and go wide saying that they don't grow tall.

Will I need to move it to a new growing set up or can I get the plant the grow buds at a smaller height?

any help is appreciated..

cheers :bigjoint:
Try low stress traaining that should work fine just for u. I will have info in next post.