newby first grow with issues, please help!

Big Red 2316

Active Member
hey guys what;s up...this is my first grow and I'm having some problems. i'm using the ebb and flow process with grodan rock wool cubes. my babies are about 2 months old and 16-20 inches tall. i've had them on a 24 hour cycle for approx. 1 month and have now been turning them down for 6 hours per day for the last week. the leaves started turning yellow 2 weeks ago. sporadic leaves have brown spots and eventually dry up and die. I use canna products, Aqua Vega A and B, and also Rhizotonic for nutrients and was told my issue is probably nitrogen deficiency So I added nutrients last week after I cleaned and rinsed the plants with plain water and now the issue seems to be getting worse. I am also on a 6 hour watering cycle. ph is between 6.8 and 7.2. acidity is between 80 and 120. and there is a 20 degree temp change at night. see attached pics. any suggestions or advice is appreciated...please help



Well-Known Member
i dont grow in hydro,but i belive hydro is suposed to be much lower like 6.2 ph,,i think that might be yr problem,when u have a ph problem it can lock out other things and make it look like a deficiancy

Big Red 2316

Active Member
i dont grow in hydro,but i belive hydro is suposed to be much lower like 6.2 ph,,i think that might be yr problem,when u have a ph problem it can lock out other things and make it look like a deficiancy

how do i get my ph down ? this is my first one im still trying to get the process down. any info will help.


Well-Known Member
what strength nutes r u feeding them??,so u check yr ph,but u dont change it? bro u need a ph of 5.4-6.2 in hydro,,,this is for sure what ur problem is,,,u can buy a ph down online ebay,,a hydro store,,ect...its pretty easy,,and u have somethign to check yr ph already obviously since u knew the ph,,also what are your canopy tempatures,20deg night time is a little too low,,youd like 10-12 deg if u could but its not the worst

Big Red 2316

Active Member
no, i check my ph regularly but i didnt know ideal was between 5.8 and 6.2 i was ideally ranging between 6.8 and 7.8 it was flucktuating for like a week before i flushed the system then it went down to about 6.7- 6.8. what do i do ?


Well-Known Member
check it everyday,the rez,and add ph down to maintain it that way u can buy it in a hydro store,,or ebay amazon ect..


Well-Known Member
yeah check it in the morning and at night
ph up and down are cheap
make sure your ph tester is right


Well-Known Member
yeah dude yr ph is whats causing yr issues,,make sure to correct this and get them healthy before flowering imo,or u wont be happy with the product


Well-Known Member
its not the temp difference ive growing in a 20 degree change just fine....the colder air at the end of flowering inducesee more tticgs anyways


Well-Known Member
yr gonna have to check and maintain that ph everyday bro,,,every single say,,,some pepel do it 2x a day,u got sick plants u might want to do it


Active Member
yr gonna have to check and maintain that ph everyday bro,,,every single say,,,some pepel do it 2x a day,u got sick plants u might want to do it

I just switched from soil-less to DWC. Its incredible how fast the pH will change on you. I have to adjust it everyday. Checking every twelve hours is the way to go for sure.:peace:

Big Red 2316

Active Member
i dont think its the temp change either , its a ph problem im almost positive, my temps are are 70- 75 during the day and it only drops to 55 -50 . .


Well-Known Member
like i said, from the begining,,thats its a ph issue,,,read my quote did u solve yr problem get some ph down and up?