newby lost and needs help with cfls, anybody?

Green Shark

Active Member
Sounds like it is all under control now then. What kind of seed are you growing and are you going to keep on posting pics and keep the baby alive on the site.


Active Member
absolutly you can catch me posting every day now seeing how I cant walk to weel any more and always in pain this gardening and posting really helps me keep my mind off all this f'in pain. all the babies are from bag seed I cant afford the good stuff some hopefully this mex stress stuff I had that was super strong if grown right hopefully will be potent this is my first grow and hopefully I will have aces to some good pain med here is a photo I just took right now of my babies100_0774.jpg

Green Shark

Active Member
Looking more green by the day nice work. Did you ever decide on the 5 gallon pot for sure or something smaller. Also what size are you planning to grow them!


Active Member
you know thats were I have been devoting alot of my attention MY original plan was to grow outdoors because it is Spring out here in Los angeles but hell it started to rain but scince the rain came I brought them in and place them under 2 27 watt day light cfls and they seem to be growing much faster and better so im not sure what I might end up doing, what I might do is putt two into 5 gal and two into 3 gal pots and growing indoors now, I not sure when I was supposed to plant then]m out side is it april may june Im not sure but I do know it Is so much eaiser growing indoors what do you thinkI really would like to finish it out side once the rain passes but im not sure any help or ideas would be great

Green Shark

Active Member
I grow indoors for sure to many animals here to eat the hell out of it lol! Probably dont have that problem in LA but I am growing indoors now you can see in my sig. But, the pots sound like good ones. I believe you can control your plants a lot more indoors than out you know. I mean as far as heat, temps, water, fert, etc. But I would also place more CFL's on them. I was using 4 CFL's same as yours for one plant. The CFL's were placed about 4 inches from the top cause they dont put off heat which is a plus for tight grow rooms. As far as planting outside here we wait until the last frost over which is usually in the beginning of April and you grow until October or shorter for some strains.


Active Member
Sweet thanks so much I think what I am going to do is plant two out doors and two indoors and see which If any is better you know you seem hella down to earth and got a good head on your shoulders thanks for everthing.

Green Shark

Active Member
Glad to help buddy. Also like the way you think about the 2 in and 2 out, I love experiments. I think that makes the grower plus you will know what to do next time to get a bigger, stronger, better harvest.


Well-Known Member
My vote is also for indoor. If you live in central LA you probably dont want nice plants outside. Plus inside you can start flowering whenever you want so you could harvest sooner. You can get nice big 65w CFLs for like $20 that wll boost your wattage for flowering


Well-Known Member
Normal. Its just a giant CFL. Make sure the lamp or whatever socket you use it with is rated for at least 65w though


Active Member
Thank you guys so much for all your help and all of your opinions that have really opened my eyes to a new avenue. well today is 21 days now, and that means they are now in the world of no return. The cotyledon are sarting to yellow now and are aprantly starting to die, so now its the moment of truth where I now am the one who has to feed them, where the men are seperated from the mice, any way just rambling thank you all so much, and I will be posting constant updates, man this is hella fun. solar