newgear by sub


Well-Known Member
Yeah Sub punish us all because one Douche Waffle is a winney lil biatchGood business move 


Active Member
i just waited it out..i knew i was going to get the beans sooner or later,wich i have ordered a 10pack a few hours ago..freebies or not,i feel much better paying for any of subs gear beacuse i feel sub deserves it..i dont know you sub but would like to,eather way i respect your desicion on further freebies. it wont affect me as like i said..
i aslo have a few more of subs strains to order,,im starting a

and sub..your always going to have babys crying over spilled milk,dont let them ruin your day..pack a bowl and let it the end..were all going to be happy with your gear...

my best to you sub...stay kool


Well-Known Member
Like I say won't happen again thats the end of the promo's I'll be damned if I am going to get bitched at for giving something away
OMMP does not allow seed sales simple get out and vote and get that changed and we will deff fill the demand.

Sub, I wanted to thank you for the promo and I hope the 'bitching' doesn't ruin it for the rest of us. I have no complaints with the promo and can't wait for the order to get here to get that TimeWreck going!

Again Sub,'re the man! :weed:


Well-Known Member
For the last time It wasn't the bitching its the fact that the promo had problems and I dont need problems end of story :)


Well-Known Member
For the last time It wasn't the bitching its the fact that the promo had problems and I dont need problems end of story :)
Yeah they need to do a better job for you. Promo problems are no fun, but i'm still thankful you did it! I got myself some much wanted packs and I can't wait to try out that Time Wreck.