Newly setting up Hydro grow, need some experienced advice!


Active Member
Hey guys,

I want to start by saying when it comes to hydroponics, I know absolutely nothing. I know the simple function of the system, how it works, but I have no idea what is needed to get it started. That is why I am here.

Id like some people with experience with DIY projects to help me out by letting me know if I have missed anything in my plans and also by answering some questions I have about hydro grows.

1. I am going to create an ebb and flow, i believe, system out of 2x rubbermaid containers - one fits the top and leaves a huge "gap" between the two bottoms which would be my reservoir .

2. I have the water pump installed and run up into the top bin (the roots bin) on a 30 on 30 off cycle. (The time is not important now, i am NOTTTTTTTT growing hydro yet, so if this is wrong please tell me!!!)

3. I set up an irrigation system from the root bin back down into the main tank using a 4 inch tall 3" wide pipe screwed in and sealed to the bottom of the root bin. The tube has 2" clearance from the top of the entire box, therefore I believe that the water will be successfully contained.

4. I understand that just like when having fish, you need to oxygenate the water in the tank - So I put not only a high powered air pump 1 air stone in the water tank, but also in the root tank ( to oxygenate the water as it is being absorbed too ) Idk if this helps, once again, first hydro grow - just working off of common sense.

5. Plants dont grow without some sort of food, nutes. Water doesnt have much nutes if thats all its getting, so I am going to have to get nutes.

Here is where I am stuck - I never had good luck with nutes - I am an organic grower to the core, id rather rub dog shit all over my soil then to try and balance out chemical nutes.

This is going to be my problem, because with hydro grows you need liquid nutes lol. Anybody have #1, a chart #2 a link to a site that describes hydro nutes and what levels to use? Anything of the sort?

The reason I want to try this is to not only get rid of these damned fruit flies once and for all, but also because I hear hydroponics grows tend to be faster, healthier and have less of a harsh taste after curing.

Anyway let me know, I will check back asap!

Please no faggot trolls, I am new to hydro growing and I dont want to set up a 50000 sq ft hydro setup - just one plant - just one experiment - looking for advice on how to get this working properly.

PS: I dont care if the hydro system is "half ass" because it is DIY, and if I decided to switch fully to hydroponics I would drop the cash to do it right lol this is jus my test....


Active Member
Once again I am sorry if my post jumps around a lot, I really just want to know what I do about nutes. How do I put them in, as in what levels for what stage of growth? Also, water evaporates, do you as an experiences hydro grower, know how long it takes the reservoir to evaporate down far enough where you have to add water? And if so, when you add water, do you add plain water or nute water to top it off?


Well-Known Member
Once again I am sorry if my post jumps around a lot, I really just want to know what I do about nutes. How do I put them in, as in what levels for what stage of growth? Also, water evaporates, do you as an experiences hydro grower, know how long it takes the reservoir to evaporate down far enough where you have to add water? And if so, when you add water, do you add plain water or nute water to top it off?
It sounds like you've done a fair amount of research for your build (but need to read more)...I can't think of anything that's wrong about what you're thinking of doing, so I'll just focus on your nute question.

The short answer? For a novice grower like yourself, I would recommend General Hydroponics FloraNova and to follow their feeding schedule available online. Forget about "organics," forget about rubbing dog shit on things. This is hydroponics now, where a clinical cleanliness is key. Shift your mind away from growing in a dirty, vile medium like dirt or shit. Just because something is 'organic' or calls itself 'organic' doesn't mean it's better... it means it's just harder to work with.

You're basically asking one or several of us to give a blow-by-blow instructional on hydro growing. Many if not all of your questions have been answered in Stickys and multiple conversations. Looks like you have more research to do.

I think the experienced growers here are generally eager to help (myself included). But a grower who has started a grow based on his/her own research and has a specific question would probably be greeted more warmly than someone who has presented a laundry list of questions that have been asked and answered ad infinitum, ad nauseum.


Well-Known Member
First hydro attempt I used and am using a waterfarm awesome little setup. For nutes I use just floranova bloom. A hanna combo meter is a must don't buy a cheap one. Cal solutions for meter are also needed. I just started a journal link is in my sig.


Well-Known Member
Not to try to step on toes or anything but you may want to consider Deep Water Culture or DWC as it is a really simple system to set up and run especially if your only doing one plant. It basically consists of a 5 gal bucket with lid, an air stone with tubing, an air pump (the kind for a fish tank will do), a net pot, and some medium (hydroton, perlite, whatever really). You should have pretty good growth with this type of system and be able to learn about water and it's chemistry which is the jewel to hydro growing. Keeping it simple will help you nail down the hard part and after that you can even go wild with organic in hydro which just takes learning about your water/nutes. Just my advice so take it for what it is... Also I am including this chart which will help you to understand your PH and how the "swing" can be important.
View attachment 1836710
Good luck and happy growing!
Edta. Also second the good PH meter.


Active Member
Thank you all for your help, yes you've answered my question(s). To be honest, I smoked some serious shit when I posted that and was in engineering mode and just came up with everything all at once. My main question was about the nutes, I had no idea about the reservoir nutes etc etc and that pretty much nailed it on the head. Thanks a ton for your help guys +rep to all!


Well check out my grow, I use Technaflora nutes, and i stand by them!!! you want a fail proof, healthy, massive grow. Use technaflora from Discount Hydropoinics. Simple as that lol.

I designed and built my entire PC case, and DWC hydroponics setup. about 75+ hours of work put into it! sooo let me know if you have any questions, ill try to help! GL!