NewNew BlueDream


New Member
:joint:This my baby Blue Dream 13 days in, she looks good to me but I'm fairly new so feed back would be appreciated.IMG_20140206_074641.jpgIMG_20140206_074641.jpg


Well-Known Member
uh you shouldnt need any for a couple of weeks if your using good soil. unless you have a soilless mix then you should already be doing them. you can always go by whenever the seed leaves start turning brown or just start off at like 1/4 strength after 2-3 weeks. or half strength.


New Member
Thanks I got soil mix that says it feeds up to 6months so I'm going to wait but with that being said, using this kind of soil when would be a good time to start nutes.


Active Member
Once you are in a big pot start with light nutrients (for instance my bottle of veg nutes says 2-3 tsp per gallon for regular feeding, 4 for heavy, so I go with shy of two when they are young...and just a drop or two of superthrive. My normal PH is 6.8, but when cloning or working with little ones with just shot out roots I'm more likely to go for 6.5. I also spray 6.8 PH'd water frequently on the leaves (without interfering with the soil drying out between waterings) when they are young. I can't say that does anything other than keep me in the room though, friends of mine don't do it. Nice looking little lady!


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you have miracle grow or something of that sort. so i wouldnt add nutrients at all for a while. every time you water it has time release ferts in it. i would go read some threads on growing with soil like that and see how they use nutes because i really dont know. i use soil with all organic stuff in it. organic soil out of the bag only feeds for 2-4 weeks depending usually.
Like mrblu said, I'm sorta assuming your using Miracle-gro too... which most people would say isn't the best but if that's what you're working with you can still produce good results, however, if your using miracle-gro: I would do a mixture of like 1/2 perlite and/or vermiculite and 1/2 MG soil. Reason why is because it can get nute-burn easily from overwatering with soil like MG and the perlite/vermiculite will 'dilute' it so to speak (as well as help with drainage and getting air to the roots) - I am not a pro by any means but have done research on this for about 6 years now and watched others do their thing over the past 2 years in person. I will say that if I were to use MG soil right now, whether organic MG or regular MG, I would also buy a bag of perlite and vermiculite, do 1/4 perlite, 1/4 vermiculite, and the other 2/4 soil. ---Of course, i'm assuming you haven't transplanted out of the little cup in the picture. I hope this helps.


Active Member
Nutes are really best to begin introducing around the 2 -3 week marker after the seeds popped its wee head above soil.
on nute again theres 2 parts of most nutes come in.

Grow nutes = vegging stage
Bloom nutes = flowering stage
Auto growers = just use Bloom nutes!

And a mini feeding cycle for newbie eyes to take in for example
week 1 water,
week 2 water,
week 3 water/bloom or grow depending on stage of the grow nutes mix,
week 4 water


Well-Known Member
okay yes water is good. the soil contains high lvls of N so adding say 1/16 the rec amount of a bloom nute will help build her so when she decides to take off she can. every plant is diff even from same seeds from same plant. only way to know the plant is a clone. dotn over water of over feed her. dont underwater her. have a fan to move air around her. for th elights its easy put your hand where her leaves are if you can hold it there and dont feel heat at all lower lights closer. if it gets to hot raise lights. the plant is like your skin when it comes to heat.