News: 'Internet KILL Switch' Does the USA need a KILL button/switch for security???


Well-Known Member
I dunno.. what do you guys think about all of this?

what do you think of the whole idea.. of the government being capable.. and having the power to shut off or "KILL" the entire internet?

The first thing they'll have to do.. is compile all the different I.S.P's from around the country... and then make a central or "main" hub.. that would be accessible only by authorized government personel...

But yeah, that could be possible.. it could be done. But again, they're going to need one main HUB.. of which will be the single only brain.. or control box.. for the entire internet. Every from.. I.S.P.'s (Internet Service Providers) who are responsible for providing every day citizens and their families with an internet connection (account) so that they can use the internet for their leisure time; play time; or whatever.

Would be interesting to see it done.. IMO. But then again, I don't have any confidence in our government these days.. they seem weaker than they have been in the past.. and I personally think that its all because of "who" is IN office right now.

So I don't really like the whole idea of them having an internet "KILL" Switch.I think that the government would just fuck the internet all to hell.. IMO.

If we're able to vote on this.. as citizens of 'The United States of America' we should be able to vote on it.. IMO.. but as I was saying.. I will definately be voting 'NO' for government control of the Internet.

The Internet is a place where people can come and express their feelings.. or thoughts or whatever. They can come here.. and connect with friends and family.. that may be over serving in the Military.. or maybe someones mother or father are away on business.. in a different state.. whatever the situation might be.. the Internet is a place of freedom.. along with the 'Freedom of Speech' Blue Ribbon.. and I feel that the government.. would make the internet.. to where it is longer a free.



Fullmoon kid

Active Member
The internet went underground ages ago , thats where all the good stuff went.I believe its a system called freenet thats downloadable.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
You can't turnoff the internet ... yup freenet has been around for quite some time.
Also, if one was to cripple .... bottleneck the internet in the states .... the economy would
collapse. Lots of shit runs on vpn's and fiber. Lieberman is such a douche.


Well-Known Member
that's a bullshit solution to the problem . . . .

if they're so concerned about the security of their power generators . . . they should MAKE BETTER SECURITY FOR IT . . . not take control over the mechanism that it has SLIGHT communication over . . . . .

this is ridiculous, the government is going to take control over the internet over people being SCARED of an invisible threat, that doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
My question is... when will we get tired of it and get this damn revolution under way?

I'm ready, but I can't do shit by myself... another civil war needs to happen, and it needs to be violent, it's the only way we will take back our country.

Only then can we really come together, and rebuild this nation... these progressive, liberal twats are destroying it day by day, our constitution is in the news... every day, from it being trampled on... it's sick, and it needs to stop.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
My question is... when will we get tired of it and get this damn revolution under way?

I'm ready, but I can't do shit by myself... another civil war needs to happen, and it needs to be violent, it's the only way we will take back our country.

Only then can we really come together, and rebuild this nation... these progressive, liberal twats are destroying it day by day, our constitution is in the news... every day, from it being trampled on... it's sick, and it needs to stop.
Some suggest it could very well happen , in fact expect it to.Id recommend reading forums like Kitco which is a gold and silver investers forum.The long term prospect of the dollar isnt good,until the dollar belly ups the people will continue to take all the crap the government has to throw their way.
Its now illegal to send cigarettes in the mail or by any carrier in the US , classic example.
...that would be a big old "negative ghost rider that pattern is full." This is exactly how Soviet Russia was formed... and failed. So, for everyone who's on-board with the current administration and their communist aspirations, "well done." Next stop, government work camps and daily bread lines! I CAN'T WAIT!
if they're so concerned about the security of their power generators . . . they should MAKE BETTER SECURITY FOR IT . . . not take control over the mechanism that it has SLIGHT communication over . . . . .

They really shouldn't be worried about the power grids... it will survive without the internet. It won't be pretty, but it WILL work. Prior to TCP/IP communications, power plants ran via verbal dispatches sent from the ISO/RTO or transmission provider. In fact, it's a part of the NERC compliance regulations in the industry that regular fail-over checks are performed to test IP communication interruptions.

Oh, and how do I know? I'm a consultant who's job is helping companies who own power generators and assets operate efficiently within whatever power market they reside. From trading to asset operations optimization, the power industry "security" excuse is just that... an excuse.


Well-Known Member
They really shouldn't be worried about the power grids... it will survive without the internet. It won't be pretty, but it WILL work. Prior to TCP/IP communications, power plants ran via verbal dispatches sent from the ISO/RTO or transmission provider. In fact, it's a part of the NERC compliance regulations in the industry that regular fail-over checks are performed to test IP communication interruptions.

Oh, and how do I know? I'm a consultant who's job is helping companies who own power generators and assets operate efficiently within whatever power market they reside. From trading to asset operations optimization, the power industry "security" excuse is just that... an excuse.
you need to seriously educate more people on this . . . . so america doesn't vote for a bill that has NOTHING to do with the security of our power grid . . . and EVERYTHING to do with more control over our freedom of speech.