News of the Warm

this stuff has been going on since before humans existed. temperatures rise and fall naturally. we've had little ice ages and unusually warm periods in our recorded history.
there have just never been 7.5 billion of us on the planet before....we have a major impact on the natural cycles. we dump tons of pollutants into the atmosphere daily, we clear cut huge swaths of land, which raises the ambient temperature in those areas. we change water courses and create artificial bodies of water.....and we are surprised that all of this is happening....¿...wonder how surprised they'll be in 20-30 years when most of the coast lines on the entire planet are ocean bottom.....
Anyone wanting to do archaeology in Florida needs SCUBA tanks. When it was colder, our coastline was a lot further out, and that is where most of the people lived. Trade between Cuba and the Keys was common thousands of years ago.

There was a little iceage from 1695-1710 in Northern Europe. Lots of starvation, as far south as England. It changed the feeding grounds for herring {I think} from the Arctic sea down to the North Sea.
I saw where this had already weakened, but just forming a named Tropical Storm about 40N is crazy.

Tomer Burg@burgwx

Tropical Storm #Chantal has formed at a latitude of 40.2ºN. Pending on post-season reanalysis, this would make Chantal the 6th tropical cyclone in modern record (1950-2019) to first reach TS strength N of 40ºN, most recent being an unnamed storm in '06. Record is 42.0º in '52.
weird summer here, we get a lot of thunderstorms in the spring, but usually not in the summer...this whole summer has been nothing but, haven't seen one "gentle rain" this year, every storm we've had has been a storm...the power goes out at least once a week, trees have been falling (one tourist got killed when one hit his car recently), i had to build a rock wall where my yard gets close to the road, the water rushing down the hill has been jumping the curb and making a crater in my yard.....
this is not normal weather....
weird summer here, we get a lot of thunderstorms in the spring, but usually not in the summer...this whole summer has been nothing but, haven't seen one "gentle rain" this year, every storm we've had has been a storm...the power goes out at least once a week, trees have been falling (one tourist got killed when one hit his car recently), i had to build a rock wall where my yard gets close to the road, the water rushing down the hill has been jumping the curb and making a crater in my yard.....
this is not normal weather....
It is now!
weird summer here, we get a lot of thunderstorms in the spring, but usually not in the summer...this whole summer has been nothing but, haven't seen one "gentle rain" this year, every storm we've had has been a storm...the power goes out at least once a week, trees have been falling (one tourist got killed when one hit his car recently), i had to build a rock wall where my yard gets close to the road, the water rushing down the hill has been jumping the curb and making a crater in my yard.....
this is not normal weather....
It was a crazy hiking season on the AT. Folks were having to take 3 and 4 zeroes waiting for some storms to pass. That would blow out your budget in a hurry.
As of my last peek, Dorian has already been a Cat 5 and is currently undergoing an eyewall replacement cycle.

It appears to be veering away from Florida (damn, was hoping it would flatten some Trump properties lol), good news for people there.

When I was young, category 5 hurricanes were rare...
As of my last peek, Dorian has already been a Cat 5 and is currently undergoing an eyewall replacement cycle.

It appears to be veering away from Florida (damn, was hoping it would flatten some Trump properties lol), good news for people there.

When I was young, category 5 hurricanes were rare...
She maxed out at 185mph. Then sat over the Bahamas for two days. Those guys are fucked. If the track holds true, Florida will get some flooding, but little else.

Did you see where 45 said he had never heard the term cat 5? And that Alabama was going to get hurricane force winds? He does seem to be slipping more than usual.
She maxed out at 185mph. Then sat over the Bahamas for two days. Those guys are fucked. If the track holds true, Florida will get some flooding, but little else.

Did you see where 45 said he had never heard the term cat 5? And that Alabama was going to get hurricane force winds? He does seem to be slipping more than usual.
He's very consistent; this is the 4th category 5 hurricane he's said that about!

Yeah, I feel bad for Bermuda, they got slammed. I'll be watching their recovery and taking notes of how it compares to Puerto Rico's progress.
I forget where I was hearing it, but most likely late night BBC World Service {radio}. They were talking about the weather patterns changing. The winds are weaker near the poles than normal. That made the recent heat wave sit there a lot longer than it normally would. So more ice melt than the same heat wave would have caused in the past.
I forget where I was hearing it, but most likely late night BBC World Service {radio}. They were talking about the weather patterns changing. The winds are weaker near the poles than normal. That made the recent heat wave sit there a lot longer than it normally would. So more ice melt than the same heat wave would have caused in the past.
The most recent link I posted actually has the rate of ice loss slowing significantly as of August this year. Interesting read; the Arctic is a complicated place.