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Hey VictorVIcious. The U.K. Govt. is going in entirely the wrong direction, i despair to think of all the people who could have their suffering alleviated by medical marijuana who are denied it, and that denial is total, NO medical MMJ here at all! And of course there is the impending reclassification.

Unfortunately, when one considers the attitude of the Govt. on other issues i.e. they are giving themselves permission to track folks' internet use and emails, and to keep records of people's mobile conversations, compulsory I.D. cards, and of course the insane ubiquity of cctv, i hold out very little hope for the decriminalization of marijuana on ANY level.

In my opinion, there is something deeply wrong going on here.
The most insidious program is the Electric Inspections, a search warrant that doesn't require a warrant. I really thought they were beginning to get it when it was reported the BC3, or at least Mark Emery would not be extrididted. Next thing was the reclassification and mandatory jail time. VV
The most insidious program is the Electric Inspections, a search warrant that doesn't require a warrant. I really thought they were beginning to get it when it was reported the BC3, or at least Mark Emery would not be extrididted. Next thing was the reclassification and mandatory jail time. VV

Hey VV, i couldn't find much about Electric Inspections on the web, am i correct in assuming they are using they are getting in to people's homes under the guise of some kind of electrical safety inspection?

I was pretty shocked to find out aboot(we say aboot her as well haha) the mandatory minimums, i always looked to Canada as being tolerant on many levels. It seems to me that by dishing out minimum sentences of 6 mo for 1 plant, people who perhaps would have only grown a couple of plants would logically assume that they would be as well growing many more, we have a saying here in Scotland, 'i'd be as well hung for a sheep as a lamb'. Of course, no-one with a zip of sense actually believes these laws will change anything except to escalate the type of nightmare repercussions of prohibition witnessed in the U.S.

Here's a wee tit-bit from Greg Williams highlighting some of the dangers of idiots being introduced to the concept of initiative.:wall:
This is really depressing. I know very little about Canada, but what i'm hearing recently totally contradicts what i thought i knew. I suppose it's obvious that Govts all round the world are going to take advantage of the climate of fear and hostility fostered by both the coalition and their enemies, but Canada? I guess i was just being naive, even the Dutch are becoming less tolerant, what a fucking shame.:-(
hi everyone i hope you dont mind if i ask a couple of questions on Michigan's new medical marijuana law? me and my wife are going to be moving to michigan fairly soon and she and myself are thinking about applying for a medical marijuana card for serious chronic pain. i was curious about a couple statements in the new law passed. the law states that a registered mm/care giver user is alowed up to 12 marijuana plants, is there a set limit on how large the plants can be grown? and also it says that you are able to have up to 2 1/2 oz's of usable herb basically in your house. what happens if your plants yield more than 2 1/2 oz's? would you have to grow perpetually to stay under that limit or could you grow 12, six foot plants and store your mm for use at a later time? also, would a mm caregiver be drug tested? any info/advise would be so helpful. thank you very much.
hi everyone i hope you dont mind if i ask a couple of questions on Michigan's new medical marijuana law? me and my wife are going to be moving to michigan fairly soon and she and myself are thinking about applying for a medical marijuana card for serious chronic pain.

You could find out if you might qualify by contacting the They have a clinic in Southfield, MI. You can fax them, or have your Doctor.. etc. Visit their website as soon as possible, they are getting they busy. They have supported us since day one.

i was curious about a couple statements in the new law passed. the law states that a registered mm/care giver user is alowed up to 12 marijuana plants, is there a set limit on how large the plants can be grown?

No, other than your ceiling height.

and also it says that you are able to have up to 2 1/2 oz's of usable herb basically in your house.

Uhhh... no it does not say that, it says in your possession and it further states that your having a card is not a valid reason for any search warrant. If you are not growing, only using, and not a caregiver, no one would have any reason to be allowed to search your house. BY the time your ready to grow again you would be under the limit, so no worrys m8.

what happens if your plants yield more than 2 1/2 oz's? would you have to grow perpetually to stay under that limit or could you grow 12, six foot plants and store your mm for use at a later time? also, would a mm caregiver be drug tested? any info/advise would be so helpful. thank you very much.

Well, we are trying to make sure we can cover all of the options, and this well written Law gives us, as cooperating, not incorporating, patients and caregivers some choices. Lets say you start growing 12 plants, ok, what are you doing will they are growing, buying on the black market?
We are starting local Compassionate Care Clubs, with affiliation, not control by our Parent Organization, , I am a 'Team Leader', since their is not a formal team, I guess that makes me a leader.lmfao oh shit thats funny, it has been a battle, I put my money behind my mouth and proved I know what I am doing.
Ok, off the soapbox, just had to let my buds know this fight is not over yet, capitulation was never my goal, building the organization was, they still don't understand that? I'm too old for the limelight, and we need some women speakers, I have one, and a goal of a hundred clubs by my birthday, functioning clubs.
A functioning club is one that provides information that patients and caregivers can use. That would include some growing instructions, these should be hands on whenever they are legal, that means patients right now, that have all of the paper work necessary to mount an affirmitive defense against a Marijuana possession cultivation, or paraphinelia charge, if they were not breaking any other part of the law, ie smoking in a public building, on school bus.etc. The information on what a patient would need to mount an affirmative defense, is clearly explained by Attorney Greg Schmid, he posted it on his website . All of the necessary forms you would need are available for you to print from his website.
I am going to be responsible for putting together some training material for the group to use and all of the long time members of this forum can tell you I will need a lot of help from the Master Growers to put that together.
We need an IT team that can create a professional website like this one, specific to Michigan Medical Marijuana, with sub forums for the Compassionate Care Clubs if they decide to register. There would need to be a concentration on creating forms new visitors can be guided to their closest local club, with a brief history, a screen name list of the registered Master Growers, especailly the ones that are Patients and Caregiver, like the DirtBag, miss ya buddy, I am going to make you famous, tell mini me I said high.
I am forming my master plan as we speak. Thanx for the questions. You have no idea what you have unleashed by your question.
Any of you folks that are in Michigan better become Michigan Medical Marijuana Associates paid members, its $10.00 a year. Greg Fransisco, the Executive Director, has a background in LawEnforcement, as a School Guidance Counselor, and some other spaghetti behind his name. He has the power to help craft the rules because of the support we gave him at the first hearing before the Michigan Department Of Community Health.
Greg Piaseki posted video of the hearing in a three part series on u-tube, they are about 50 minutes or so each. We had a fair first hearing, may not get another, the next set of proposed rules is due out on Jan 30, this Friday. One of the effects of that hearing makes things a little easier. If you are a patient and a caregiver, because Attorney Matt Abel asked the question, you could have a total of 72 plants with 5 registered patients and your own plants.
I can't explain much more of it today, we can accept memberships and donations on line, the grass roots has to join the the fight. By supporting MMMA, you make efficient use if your dollars. Greg can call a news conference and they will show up. All we have to do is pick our causes, one by one, and go on offense. I am considered by some to be offensive,lol so that make me the right guy. Funny how karma works. VV
thank you so much for the information. it helps so much. so if i was a caregiver would they have the right to search my home at any time they wanted??? my wife isnt really good at growing and wants me to do it for her. so if my wife is the only one that will qualify do i have to have a caregiver card to grow for her or can i assist her without the card? im sorry this is very new to me and its a bit confusing. thank you for all of your help!!
It doesn't require anything special to be a Caregiver. The only requirement is that you do not have felony drug conviction. The patient simply names you as the caregiver and your CareGiver card is issued.
No, they will not have the right to search your house, as a matter of fact the law state's that having a Caregiver or patient card is not a reason for a search warrant. The law was written by us for us. Karen O Keefe from MPP was the lead Attorney that crafted the ballot initiative. She attended the meeting with MDCH and turned in a 10 page report of the things that must be changed in the proposed rules for the rules to comply with the Law. The MDCH has asked us not to sue them while they figure out how to change the rules to fit the law.
This law is a constitutional change and would require a Constitutional Majority to change. In Michigan that require's 3/4 of the legislature to vote for a change, something very unlikely considering 63% of the voters approved the LAW.
You could assist her with out the card, there isn't any reason to since there are other possible advantages to being a registered caregiver. The law allows for the lateral tansfer of Medical Marijuana from patient to patient and allows you to recover your costs in growing the Medicine. The law says this does not constitute the 'sale of a controlled substance'.
We have a unique opportunity to go on offense and basically show LEO that if they do try to fugg with patients and caregivers they will end up in court on the wrong end of a Lawsuit. If Ed Rosenthal had this Law he would have been able to get his case trown out before it ever went to court. VV
thank you so much!! that really clears up many questions i have. VictorVIcious if i have any more questions in the future can i send you a message? you've been a great help thank you again!! oh yeah one more thing, if im a caregiver would anyone legally have the right to piss test me at any time. other than my employer. would there be a chance that i could get into trouble using as a caregiver? thank you very much!!
thank you so much!! that really clears up many questions i have. VictorVIcious if i have any more questions in the future can i send you a message? you've been a great help thank you again!! oh yeah one more thing, if im a caregiver would anyone legally have the right to piss test me at any time. other than my employer. would there be a chance that i could get into trouble using as a caregiver? thank you very much!!

If you are a caregiver and not a patient, your personal use would not be covered in any way by this law. It might have an effect, now LEO has to prove med patients are under the influence is they are driving. Having that information known by the public may have a slight impact on how judges look at failing a test. VV