Newschool Cage Grow


Active Member
Grow Room Setup & Modifications

Ok so I'm getting ready for my second grow.
I'm making some improvements to my setup.
everything is lined out in masking tape to give you, the viewer,a general idea of what is going through my head.

In this first picture you can see the outside of the grow box. the two squares near the bottom is where i would like to install intake fans.

This picture shows the box with the doors open. I know it looks like a penis :shock:. Just how it turned out. the two "balls" are oscillating fans, and the "shaft" is a piece of 2 x 8 with 5 lights mounted and wired. I found the lights on this thread:, It can just hang on a hook, then they can be taken out and used in another environment if necessary .

The next two show the two other "shafts" that are on the left and right sides of the box. I plan on taking out the planks of wood out. there just a nuisance.

This picture show the ceiling of the grow box. I plan on putting two exhaust fans where the squares are. My biggest problem last grow was heat, so these are a real necessity. the florescent is from when the iguana lived in the cage, i think ill take it out, it gets to hot to use.

This is a quick shot of my Veg station. 4 CFLs on 24/0 i think i might go 18/6 soon. Its a mess, one of the lights fell and broke last night, and i havent cleaned it up yet. I keep my nutrients in the lemonade dispenser.
Ive got 3 White Widow from seed. 5 WW clones. 3 from seed, but i dont know what strain. and one Big Bud from seed. And like 15 other clones i dont even know why i took.


Active Member
Neat setup. I like the robotic cock & balls. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

As far as the broken CFL, you better put on a pair of gloves and clean that shit up. CFL's have got powdered mercury in them and you don't want to be inhaling toxic heavy metal vapor.


Active Member
It took along time to get the money to do all the updates a wanted.
But I think I'm finally content with the set up.
New exhaust, new lights, and some more oscillating fans.
I went with 10 plants in dirt instead of 6 in the small bubbleponics system from stealth.
I thought it would better utilize the space, and it has!
2 of them are and unknown strain from seed.
1 is a Big Bud from seed.
And the other 7 are White Widow Clones.

Anyways... Take a look :blsmoke:
