Newsletter promo will be running from 5th - 8th March 2010 & is ft TGA SUBCOOL


Well-Known Member
So i was browsing The Tude again just got my last order so planning my next order when i saw this so Sub if you see this do you know what they are???But i will now be waiting to order till then...Been wanting to try some TGA for awhile now...


Well-Known Member
Imma have to start goin 12/12 from seed, just to keep up, sooo many strains to grow. + rep bro!!


Well-Known Member
that i dont. i though t maybe subcool would stop by and help shed some light on it but...i know i will have do the same as above start going 12/12 just to keep everything in rotation...


Well-Known Member
Yeah i saw that the other day, was going to jump on it but then i ran across a pack of chemberry and now im broke.


Active Member
If its 3 of each that is INCREDIBLE! Ill be placing an order for sure. I have been eyeing some of TGA beans.


Well-Known Member
I now have more seeds than I could possibly pop in the next year ... so another order won't make a difference ;) I've got to get the Ripper. So that's 6 freebies with each order, OMG.