next election: coke VS pepsi


Well-Known Member
We people were created in the image of God.
It was God who gave us our rights as human beings.
God did not confer those rights to fictional entities.

I'm all for free markets and even big corperations.
But for some reason this makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Anyone ever watch the Movies Alien/Aliens?
Maybe, I just have an unreasoning hatred of "The Company."
I know I hate Paul Riser to this day.


New Member
whos free speech was the government attempting to "squelch"?.......lets try this. corporation X is now an "american citizen". now that corp-X is a citizen, it can voice its political views to whomever it wants. okay.....sounds fine so far. but now that the corporation is a private citizen doesnt it too have to abide by laws? of course. do corporations always abide by laws? no they dont. if i, a private citizen, were to spray round-up on my fence to kill weeds on my side, but in doing that i also killed my neighbors ornamentals......wouldnt i have a civic obligation to remedy the situation? would i have a legal obligation to remedy the situation? both answers are "yes". so we give these corporations the same rights that we have, yet we dont hold them accountable for their actions. for instance take Monsanto. look at what they have done and are continuing to do to small farmers with all the genetically modified organisms they are introducing into the agricultural world. its putting farmers out of business all over the US due to entire crops being lost. if your neighbor did that to you would you have an issue with him or her? would you seek legal mediation? of course you would. we lock up dangerous inmates because they defaulted on their civic resposibility to society. how do you lock up a fictional entity who defaults on their civic responsibility? you cant. so in turn there are no checks and balances. its just business as usual......and last i heard, "its just business as usual" is not supposed to hold up in court.

yes i pretty much recapped the movie "the corporation" but i think it applies to this conversation.
It is quite obvious that you aren't familiar with the actual case the Supreme Court decided on ... or you wouldn't have made that post. :roll:

Stay in skool kidz..... oh and it might help to know what you're talking about BEFORE you post something.


Well-Known Member
So being a Canadian I can now support one of your political parties thru my buying desicions. Who does wallmart support? Not our town I'll tell ya that!


New Member
Most businesses cut into both political pies.... as a matter of expediency.

Did business gat this involved in political campaign finance before? No, not nearly at these levels.

Why not?

Because never before has the US govt. affected everyday businesses survival and purse strings.

It all starts and ends with the Govt., not business on this issue.

The govt. is in areas of our society that is has no right to. Businesses are playing politics, because they HAVE to, not because they WANT to. As long as you have the govt. 'cherry picking" who gets $$$$ (unconstitutional), and who gets PUNISHED (as if it's up to them), it will continue.

Mexi, I just read yesterday that for the first time in history, Canada has an economy more free than the USA.

Oh, how the USA has fallen. Thanks Congress! Now the world gets to pay for our mistakes as well. That'll make them like us, no? :lol:

Lower the tax rates, shoot all the lawyers, get the govt. back to its true role (not in business), and let's all get back to work.