Next Spring legislation will be put forth to legalize cannabis: Philpot

nobody important 666

Well-Known Member
What will be interesting is that the government has already stated that they plan on regulating thc content. So if we need high thc for medical needs and the gov comes up with some stupid number. Does that mean we can have access to certian strains or beans that the public can't and how are they going to be able to check on the spot.


Well-Known Member
They don't want profits going to citizens> they like to call them "street gangs".
That's why it must be legalized + regulated, instead of decriminalized.

Fuck the people, profits are for the government


Well-Known Member
What will be interesting is that the government has already stated that they plan on regulating thc content. So if we need high thc for medical needs and the gov comes up with some stupid number. Does that mean we can have access to certian strains or beans that the public can't and how are they going to be able to check on the spot.
I don't see how it would be possible to limit thc. They may put a max % on what is in edibles for retail sale. It's more likely they will force sellers to list potency on a package. They have no control when it comes to home grows.

nobody important 666

Well-Known Member
I don't see how it would be possible to limit thc. They may put a max % on what is in edibles for retail sale. It's more likely they will force sellers to list potency on a package. They have no control when it comes to home grows.
Agreed but remember what they originally pulled during early mmar with strain limits. Im just going off what i read in paper. I really dont think they will get their shit together by next spring anyway.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think it would be dum of them to try to regulate thc but they've tried to do worse things than that so who knows eh...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think it would be dum of them to try to regulate thc but they've tried to do worse things than that so who knows eh...
The idea that they can regulate thc is asinine. They'd have to test every nug. Buds from the same plant have a wide range of thc. I could see a cap on concentrate potency but that's easy to bypass. The more restrictive the new legal weed market is the bigger and more thriving the bm will be.


Well-Known Member
What will happen in 5 months time? We all wanna know that one! Has anyone been to a psychic?
It will look very close to the mmar but with the lp's as an additional option for patients. The lp's now have a time line for legalization so expect them to ramp up production in the next year even as their medical sales fall off after all medical patients are allowed to grow this summer.