Next thing they'll ban.

peterson said they deserve to be sexually harassed for wearing makeup

he went on speaking tours with donald “if you get sexually harassed then find another job” trump

Oh, and Candace “Nazis were fine except for trying to take over the world” Owens

No video...You know why Uncle Buck can't provide the video...because it doesn't exist. Fake news..Uncle buck.
Off to enjoy a little thing they call LIFE....bbl to see what ridiculousness can be drummed here within a few hours time frame.

Shhhh Dear Leader is coming on....
It wasn't thought of as a hate flag. I grew up watching the Dukes and I never associated the flag with racism. I just thought of it as a sign of rebellion. The Dukes were rebels, fighting the system, and Skynyrd meant it the same way. I think it was the skinheads and other racists who turned it into a hate symbol. I know it's a delicate subject though.
Look up the word microaggression
No it's hypocrisy, woman complaining about men hitting on them while at the same time wearing make up. You don't want men hitting on you, than don't go out of your way to put on make up -which sole purpose is to make you more attractive to the opposite sex. It doesn't mean we think it's o.k for men to physically touch or harass a female.
Canada just joined in on shit. I didn't know neem oil offended people too.
Black people shopping peacefully at the store is offensive

Says the pedant

If people are shopping peacefully it sounds like the shoppers and merchant have aligned interests voluntarily.

I fail to understand your near sagacious claim that I would find that offensive and challenge your assertion as bogus.