Next week on deadliest warrior, Pirates vs Knights...who will win


Well-Known Member
No, but having 'rules' to war gets you into trouble. Especially if the other guy isn't following those rules. If you go into battle thinking, "Oh okay, this is how this is done. He'll do it the same way because that's the code"... and he doesn't and you end up dead... well, that just goes to show... PIRATES KICK ASS.


Well-Known Member
I know it won't happen but I would laugh my head off if the pirate hit the knight with a big ass cannonball to the chest.


Active Member
In a large scale battle, I bellieve the Knight would have the upper hand. I was pretty suprised that the Apache beat the Gladiators, I think the Apache only has a chance from long range! Here is how I would have liked to seen the match ups so far. Better fights I think! Apache vs Ninja, Viking vs Pirate (Go Viking!), Spartan vs Samurai, Knight vs Gladiator. I also hope they end up using the Mongols,Zulus,Lakota,Roman Legionaries,Incan,Aztec,Shaolin,Goths,Franks etc. Anyways it is an awesome show!