Next Year Plan


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about next year already...

Because this year turned out to be a little upset for me had seeds.. didnt sprout.. therefore had no plants..

Next summer is a little better planned.. i have my places already picked out all i have to do is to dig the holes and fill them in with a couple bags of soil....

Anyways... i was planning on planting a good few plants outdoors next year but wanted to give them a half decent start indoors..
I was planing on making a (2' x 2.5' x 2') box to put aprox. 20- 30 young seedlings into..

The seedlings will be in empty toilet paper rolls so I can just plant them into the ground keeping the root ball in tact while doing so..
I will be lighting the box with 6- 23watt cfl's and 2- 2ft. floros (single bulb fixtures) and cooling with a few cpu fans..

My question is.... Will this be enough light to grow the seedlings until they get about 3 - 4 sets of leaves? or about 4"- 6" tall?
dude u can use a 24' cheap ass floro to veg them that high .. .. will be a lil lanky, best bet is to go with cfl's ... EVEn better get a 400w mh ! .. or even a 250w
I tried using paper towel/toilet paper rolls last spring with less than desirable results. The paper kept drying out the soil and killing the seedlings. When I did water them heavier they fell apart.I went to 16oz party cups.
ewww ddue .. wtf are u doing?!

get a fucking shot glass put water in it, then put it ur cupboard 2 days i guarantee u will see the seed cracked and the tap root coming out. Get a papercup put soil in it .. (this is wut i do with my seedling) put the tap root tail side down.. and i push the seed down and leave the top of the shell BARLEY visible the spray with water.. it shud be all good.. thats wut i do .. if i can get a seed to crack .. that bitch is gunna grow to a successful plant.
also i think i will use all cfl's but i only need it until it warms up next year... well enough to put them in a small hot house.. then it's out to the woods they go.. so far i only have 3 bulb fixtures to put the cfl's in.. so i guess i'll have to get more boxes and fixtures and wire up a full ceiling to the box of them..
so about how big would i beable to let the plants get if they were in 16oz. party cups? before i would have to transplant