NextLight LED

some interesting facts about LEDs L85 rating for cree LEDs is 28,500 hours Notes/XLamp_lumen_maintenance.pdf. T5HOs maintain 91% of their output after 12,000 hours and 89% of their output after 20,000 hours expert growers are able to produce 1gpw using HID lights. I am not an expert grower but I still have not found the magic formula that allows people to get 2gpw or more with led light. LEDs are expensive and PU MMJ grows are non my state I can give MMJ to another card holder if I produce more than I need but I can not receive any consideration in exchange for that gift. a little more honesty would greatly benefit many of us
bought a NEXTLight LED grow light. It is 525 watts from the wall. The LED grow lights I've seen/used focus on red and blue only, and the this is a white light that matches the spectrum of an HPS for the curve. The intensity even 24 inches away is even GREATER than a 1000 watt. The light falls off dramatically about 4 feet out however, (so these cover about a 3x3 amazingly.)

What do you guys think about these?

PAR reading for NextLight 525

I hate to say it but those spectral distribution figures are terrible (especially if this lamp is drawing actual 525watts).

I have had similar figures as the 30" map using 220watt actual draw of citi 1203 3500/4000k version 3 chips