Well-Known Member
@MrTwist1 I'm confused about the wiring in series does this mean run positive to the first strip negative to the last and then wires coming off each respectable wire going to each additional strip
Also the drivers most of them are rated at 8 amp 200w it would seem if I ran two of these on the same cord that would blow my 15 amp breaker.
Also I found some from ecolocity and from Heraco lighting that are rated at 9.5 to 15.3 watts a foot. I want to attach these to heat sinks from the company's that they sell. But they are no where near the general rule of 40cm2 required by traditional LEDs not even close. Do these go by some unwritten rule that strips live by or can they just run hotter with out much lumen depreciation.
You wire series circuits as @Airwalker16 described above.
Which drivers are you looking at? I have a couple 200W drivers and they draw nowhere near 8A.
I only have experience with the Samsung Influx L09 strips so far. Mine are 56cm long and I cool them with extruded heatsinks of the same length at 2" profile. I only run them at upto 700mA and with a small PC fan blowing over them they barely even get warm.
Using information form this awesome thread;
You can work out how much heastink you need for your strips. You will need to know how efficient the struips are and how hard you wish to run them to work out how much heat you need to dissipate. Strips basically need the same cooling as other types of LED, but the heat is more spread.