In the interest of playing devil's advocate, I just had an amazing customer service experience. i contacted BML/Fluence and was 100% honest with them. I told them I took apart my BMl spydr 600 to clean it and modify it, and I may have caused one of the connections to come loose. They advised me to ship it to them, so I did.
-7 days later, it was returned in a new factory box, new cover panel, brand new updated drivers, Zero cost to me, other than shipping it to them.
So lets put aside a couple opposing customer experiences and look at these two lights based on stats and features.

Fluence spydrX plus is:
$200 cheaper for 10w more in wall diss at the same efficacy 2.1-2.2 PPF/w
adjustable & pwm controllable
better spectrum with the enhanced red from the Osram Oslon hyper reds 660nm
better more even spread from a better designed fixture with superior light distribution
better thermal management from 9 extra pounds of aluminum in the heatsink extrusions
90degree brackets included that mount in the control bar extrusion for flush mounting to the ceiling making fixture height 4.5"
in conclusion, I respect your choice
@Midwest Monster and I understand that emotion played a strong role in your decision after a poor customer experience. But in my opinion, Nextlight mega is inferior to Fluence SpydrX plus in just about every category that matters.