NFL Lockout


Well-Known Member
Looks like there might not be an NFL 2011 season because the owners AND players are greedy mother fuckers.

At least the Chargers won't get a chance to break my heart again...:-(


Well-Known Member
There will be a season.So much money would be lost if there wasn't,they wont allow it.

Atleast there better be one lol,vicks getting old and we need that super bowl


Well-Known Member
lol, Philly needs to give up on fast running black quarterbacks...that doesn't seem to be working so well ;)


Well-Known Member
lol, Philly needs to give up on fast running black quarterbacks...that doesn't seem to be working so well ;)
I dont think its that.I think its just were to easy to predict.Dallas even said it.Andy reid never runs the ball.We made a lot of changes this offseason so I think well be better.I still cant believe we promoted are offensive line coach to defensive coordinator.If he fucks up im expecting reid to get his ass thrown out of philly.

The drafts still on right?I think well go O line or corner in the 1st round.Maybe trade kolb to move up.


Well-Known Member
Wow, good question! I hope the draft is still on, we need all the help we can get. AJ Smith and Norv Turner is what's keeping my Chargers from the big show


Well-Known Member
I hear the fuss is over the next Half time show at the super bowl..............They signed Connon Obrian up but NFL backed out and now they have to pay Connan 250 million for break a contract with him and leaves no money for the 4 th string players.


Well-Known Member
Now that I think of it I saw a commercial for the draft last night so I'll presume its still on.They said it starts the 28th of april.


New Member
The state of the NFL today makes me sick. The smaller of the issues is the pussification of the game itself. You pay the players so much loot that they become assets and they feel the need to degrade the game to protect them. Pretty soon there will be a penalty for tackling too hard. The bigger issue is that back in the day just about every professional athlete had to get a job in the off season to support their family and how the money has changed the game today. Keep in mind this is back when they would have played for free, when there was integrity, when there was love for the game. Now all you have are these ignorant, money grubbing, super-slave offspring (objective, not racist) dominating the game because whites weren't fortunate enough to go through a selective breeding process. They think they're entitled to whatever they tell their agent to ask for or they'll take their ball and go home. We've all seen the post game press interviews now be honest, what proportion of these people that can barely formulate a sentence would have a legitimate job in the real world? The quarterbacks at best, so it's about time to take your 1.2 mil a year and shut the fuck up about 1.4 mil because we all know you'd be selling rocks on 45th and Broadway if it weren't for the world of professional sports.
Im just amzed that people really are complaining about what they are getting paid from every sport i mean come on you are paying millions of dollars to guys to do what they love to do anyway..You give half or 1/3 that money to athletes overseas or didnt make it guarenteed they wouldnt complain..But the owners are really the greedy guys you are getting billions and still want more wtf?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I don't fault the NFL players from getting every nickle they can squeeze from the owners. I have met and talked with a few ex-NFL players and most if not all live daily with chronic pain and/or disability. The average starting running back plays for only 2.57 years with other positons playing only slightly longer. Consider that coupled with the fact there are 32 teams with a maximum of 53 players on each roster makes these some pretty rare individuals vs. the general US population. The current sticking point in the negotiations is how to distribute $9 billion in revenue. If the owners start squealing then they should renegotiate their contracts with the networks.


Well-Known Member
Not that I really go to games but does anybody think this will affect tickets,beverage etc prices?
A 15 dollar beer is enough already lol.

All I know is this shit needs to get started and august needs to get here fast.

Marco Renda

Active Member
Look what happend to MLB and the NHL, the NFL will follow the same demise of losing fans. I know that the Toronto Blue Jays still haven't recouped but the Toronto Maple Leafs did which makes you wonder. City that have NFL teams that are hurting will most likely go tits up.

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee
Treating Yourself
The Alternative Medicine Journal


Well-Known Member
Not only do players make a killing these days but the unproven rookies who get paid MILLIONS without ever stepping foot on the field is disgusting. Look at the D.Russell for the Raiders and Ryan Leaf for the Chargers, two of the biggest busts of all time but they're making a good living (well except for that dumbfuck Russell who is getting foreclosed on) and they never proved a damn thing!

The owners SHOULD be making bank, that's what they are in it for, for business and profit. The players are there to fucking play!!!! STFU players and get your asses on the field, players are nothing but pawns for the owners. I wish the owners would do what they did in that movie The Replacements and just hire a bunch of nobodies to play for scraps.

Fuck both sides, both are greedy bastards but I have to side with the owners, the players are there to play.

Go chargers!!!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I don't fault the NFL players from getting every nickle they can squeeze from the owners. I have met and talked with a few ex-NFL players and most if not all live daily with chronic pain and/or disability. The average starting running back plays for only 2.57 years with other positons playing only slightly longer. Consider that coupled with the fact there are 32 teams with a maximum of 53 players on each roster makes these some pretty rare individuals vs. the general US population. The current sticking point in the negotiations is how to distribute $9 billion in revenue. If the owners start squealing then they should renegotiate their contracts with the networks.
As much as id like to say thats ok i cant..i played that game for 9 years cuz i loved it..i broke bones and have some damage to my body i cant replace..then the post concusion syndrome thrown it...WHY? cuz i loved the game that much. These guys make TOOOO much money these days..Im all for paying people what theyr worth , then why do soldiers get payed only $28000 a year to fight wars? Pro sports is so fubar cuz of money now, makes it shitty. Thats why i watch NCAA and CFL ball lol